AltWeeklies Wire

John Wray Steps Up His Gamenew

Most coverage of the press around underground poster boy John Wray paints the 37 year-old as a roguish, self-indulgent author. The unorthodox approach he takes to promotion provides his books with talking points beyond their literary laurels.
New York Press  |  Dale W. Eisinger  |  03-11-2010  |  Fiction

Joshua Ferris’ Second Novel Has Legs and Knows How to Use Themnew

Whereas Illinois native Joshua Ferris, author of the award-winning debut novel Then We Came to the End, voluntarily relocated to New York, the protagonist of his thoughtful and unsettling second novel, The Unnamed, finds that a force beyond his control governs his physical movement.
New York Press  |  Rayyan Al-Shawaf  |  01-14-2010  |  Fiction

Zoe Heller's 'Believers' Captivates Despite a Weak Plotnew

Heller’s treatment of fraught and contradictory emotions, together with her unabashed exploration of intellectual musings, endows the story’s eponymous believers with an all-too-rare profundity.
New York Press  |  Rayyan Al-Shawaf  |  03-05-2009  |  Fiction

Close to Memoirnew

This collection is teeming with violent sexual encounters and damaged characters while maintaining a curious level of sentimentality.
New York Press  |  Doug Black  |  10-12-2006  |  Fiction

Dennis Cooper Steps Into a Publishing Voidnew

The Sluts brings to life a world that may be unfamiliar to a lot of people: one of hardcore gay sex that walks to the edge of brutal sadomasochism, often jumping in.
New York Press  |  Jeff Koyen  |  12-22-2004  |  Fiction

A Hungarian Master Speaks to the Futurenew

Auschwitz survivor Imre Kertesz, and his works, stand on the precipice of his generation -- one of the darkest in world history -- and scream into the void of a future that they cannot know.
New York Press  |  Joshua Cohen  |  12-20-2004  |  Fiction

German Author's Sprawling Body of Work Is Distillednew

Grass, with his cat and his mouse, his dog, rat, snail and flounder, can stand beside Beatrix Potter, Kipling and Aesop in the library of quintessential bestiaries.
New York Press  |  Elizabeth Keim  |  12-09-2004  |  Fiction

The Eternal Return of Fictionnew

Canadian-born and Poland-based writer Soren Gauger evidently wants Time to be the sole character and narrator of his first full-length collection of short fiction.
New York Press  |  Joshua Cohen  |  11-11-2004  |  Fiction

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