AltWeeklies Wire
Drilling Rhetoric: Lifting the Veil on National Energy Plansnew

It should come as no surprise that all of the significant national energy plans before us -- those of Obama, McCain, Pickens, and Google -- have efficiency at their core. Hear how four coalitions say they can make it work.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
10-22-2008 |
Want to Reduce Global Warming? Start with Your Platenew

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the American meat industry produces more than 60 million tons of waste annually--five tons for every U.S. citizen and 130 times the volume of human waste.
San Antonio Current |
Jim Motavalli |
07-16-2008 |
Tags: environment
San Antonio's Solar Slopenew
Fiascos abound as the Public Utility Commission wrestles with solar terms.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
01-23-2008 |
Bob Loves Younew
Tyrants of Big Oil just want to be friends.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
12-05-2007 |
Tags: Kyoto, environment
CPS Energy: Wrong on Nukes, Putting Your Future at Risknew
Instead of scrambling to enhance the security of our communities by ramping up energy efficiency and making sure we all have the power we need in the event of an emergency, the utility will soon launch San Antonio into the fore of the "nuclear-energy revival" with only the haziest notions of the risks -- and the costs -- involved.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
10-24-2007 |
Tags: environment
South Texas Uranium Revival Puts One County on a Powder Kegnew
Uranium Energy Corp has a pending application with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to mine uranium from within the freshwater aquifer beneath Goliad County, but some residents are fighting back.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
10-03-2007 |
Exposing Big Oil's Red Pennew
Whistleblower Rick Piltz exposed the White House Council for Environmental Quality's plot to maximize doubt about climate change by aggressively editing scientific reports on the topic.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
09-26-2007 |
Tags: environment
Global Warming Hates South Texasnew
Aggie study turns San Antonio into Laredo; South Texas the new Coahuila.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
07-30-2007 |
Tags: environment
Global Warming Hates South Texasnew
"Here we have a region that's climate-vulnerable. These kinds of subtropical, semi-arid regions are on the edge already."
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
07-25-2007 |
Tags: environment
Plugged In To Windnew
Texas remains the national leader in wind energy, yet only 2.5 percent of the state's energy comes from renewable sources.
San Antonio Current |
Stephen Keller |
07-11-2007 |
Tags: environment
Pain-Free Pollutingnew
The same collection of pipes, flares, and settling pools will still be releasing their steady trickle of toxins -- thanks to the EPA, you just won't know about it.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
02-21-2007 |
Tags: environment
When Oilmen Turn Sour on Crudenew
Fears of an energy crash and continuing climate chaos have created a new class of environmentalist -- converted suburban Republican oilmen working for the planet.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Harman |
08-09-2006 |
Subbing Out Mother Naturenew
The EPA plans to make wetland mitigation good business.
San Antonio Current |
Michael Cary |
04-12-2006 |
Tags: environment
Kicking the Fossil-Fuel Habitnew
Consumer demand is the key to solving our pollution problems.
San Antonio Current |
Lisa Sorg |
03-29-2006 |
Tags: environment