AltWeeklies Wire

An Inmate Beating Brings Up Issue of Transgender Discrimination in Memphisnew

A video leaked from the Shelby County Correction Center shows Officer Bridges McRae repeatedly punching Duanna Johnson inside a waiting room at the jail. The 18-minute video has no audio, but Johnson claims McRae assaulted her after she refused to respond to homophobic slurs of "he/she" and "faggot."
The Memphis Flyer  |  Bianca Phillips  |  06-27-2008  |  LGBT

It's OK To Be Gaynew

Gay activists form response to ex-gay conference.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Bianca Phillips  |  02-22-2008  |  LGBT

Foley Trampled the Gay Communitynew

By conflating homosexuality and his own molestation, Foley provided fodder for every right-wing organization in the nation that claims that gays are the sinful byproduct of abuse or neglect.
The Memphis Flyer  |  Wayne Besen  |  10-13-2006  |  LGBT

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