AltWeeklies Wire

Gay Marriage Equality Passes in New York Statenew

Who do we have to blow for gay marriage? NO ONE! To chants of "USA! USA! USA!" the galley of the Senate exploded after the Senate passed the Marriage Equality Act this evening, by a vote of to 33 to 29.
The Village Voice  |  Steven Thrasher  |  06-24-2011  |  LGBT


The Human Rights Campaign—the Country's Largest LGBT Lobbying Group—Has Failed
The Stranger  |  Andrew Sullivan  |  06-23-2011  |  LGBT

Díaz Family Valuesnew

While New York state senator Rubén Díaz Sr. lobs bombs against gay rights, son Rubén Jr. and lesbian granddaughter Erica run for cover.
The Village Voice  |  Steven Thrasher  |  06-23-2011  |  LGBT

Google Doodle Just Isn't Gay Enoughnew

Don't do it yet, but when you Google the words "gay" or "lesbian" you will see the small rainbow tucked around the end of the search bar. But curiously when you type in any variation of those words, such as gay civil rights, lesbian avengers, or even the name of a gay icon like Harvey Milk, the power rainbow mysteriously disappears.
SF Weekly  |  Erin Sherbert  |  06-21-2011  |  LGBT

Dan Savage Challenges Conservative Politician to Suck His Dicknew

Sex columnist Dan Savage has offered a Conservative politician a chance to put his mouth where his beliefs are.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  05-25-2011  |  LGBT

Coming Out To Americanew

Immigrants seeking asylum in the United States don't come here solely in search of the American Dream. Some gay immigrants can't go home again.
Westword  |  Melanie Asmar  |  05-06-2011  |  LGBT

Presidential Candidate Fred Karger Coming to Charlestonnew

Local Log Cabin Republicans are hosting a reception for Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-21-2011  |  LGBT

Green Queen Bingo Hits its Stride While Supporting Greensboro's LGBT Communitynew

Unity has long been the mission of the Guilford Green Foundation, Canada says, and gay bingo has helped bring together the gay and straight communities for many years.
YES! Weekly  |  Keith T. Barber  |  04-21-2011  |  LGBT

Early Details on Charleston's Pride 2011new

The 2011 Charleston Pride Festival will return to Park Circle and North Charleston's Riverfront Park with three days of events, capped off by a Pride parade, rally, and after-party on May 14.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-20-2011  |  LGBT

Takeover Charleston Turns Onenew

Takeover Charleston, the popular roaming happy hour event, is turning one.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-15-2011  |  LGBT

Charleston Pride is Back with Prom Night Fundraisernew

Lots to update you on this week in the gay community. First, Charleston Pride is back with three days of events leading up to the May 14 pride parade, rally, and after party.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-15-2011  |  LGBT

Stepping Outnew

Why "boringly normal" families are waging an extraordinary legal fight for equality.
Missoula Independent  |  Jessica Mayrer  |  03-16-2011  |  LGBT

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Litenew

Charleston-based sailors in trouble for sleepy night watching Vampire Diaries.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  03-04-2011  |  LGBT

All But Marriednew

Civil unions, a milestone on the road to equal rights.
Illinois Times  |  Rachel Wells  |  02-14-2011  |  LGBT

Gaga Day to Help Combat Gay Youth Suicidesnew

Lady Gaga fans will be back out this year for another round of Gaga Day deliciousness and its for a good cause close to Charleston's gay community.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  01-20-2011  |  LGBT

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