AltWeeklies Wire

Taking the Curenew

There's only one remedy for a hangover, and it's not this.
Westword  |  Adam Cayton-Holland  |  09-18-2007  |  Comedy

Baby Half-Witnew

Baby Einstein impedes infant development -- and you thought babies couldn't get any dumber.
Westword  |  Adam Cayton-Holland  |  08-20-2007  |  Comedy

I Brake for Sex ... Even Pedestrian Sexnew

The Smart Marriage Conference School and Youth Institute taught me that I'm not living healthy in all sorts of crazy, Christian ways.
Westword  |  Adam Cayton-Holland  |  07-09-2007  |  Comedy

Dog the Bounty Hunternew

He might be a cracked-out racist, but at least he's not a rapist.
Westword  |  Adam Cayton-Holland  |  06-25-2007  |  Comedy

Presidential Storm Watchnew

From the safe distance of Colorado Springs, George W. Bush monitored the hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast.
Westword  |  Adam Cayton-Holland  |  10-04-2005  |  Comedy

The Blame Gamenew

Handyman Carl Spackler came forward yesterday to admit that a door he installed on former Colorado Avalanche goalie Patrick Roy's Greenwood Village house several years ago was not hung to code.
Westword  |  Eric Dexheimer  |  11-09-2004  |  Comedy

Look at Sports Records to See Who's Most Fit to Lead the Countrynew

John Kerry is a fanatical windsurfer and recently took up kiteboarding, but there is no evidence George W. Bush likes playing in the water.
Westword  |  Eric Dexheimer  |  10-26-2004  |  Comedy

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