AltWeeklies Wire

Turkey Terror Talenew

It was anything by Tom foolery for an alternative journalist attacked by wild turkeys in an historic Brookline, Massachusetts park. Film at 11.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Gould and Emily Mello  |  05-14-2009  |  Comedy

The 100 Unsexiest Men of 2009new

The Boston Phoenix's fourth annual losers list, this year topped by the biggest blowhard in America. Here at Phoenix Unsexy Headquarters, unsexiness is defined by gypping jillions out of charities or punching your girlfriend or yelling at your cinematographer.
Boston Phoenix  |  Phoenix Staff  |  03-26-2009  |  Comedy

Dirty Democracynew

Sexual politics have never been more -- perhaps because there's so much sex in politics. A sexpert sorts us out.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  12-18-2008  |  Comedy

You're Suddenly Poor: Suck it Up and Be Cheapnew

When dealing with money, it's best to crouch in a permanent mental fetal position and brace for the end of the world.
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  12-12-2008  |  Comedy

What Every Boston Freshman Should Knownew

Freshmen, check your egos at the state line and listen up — things are not always as advertised.
Boston Phoenix  |  Clif Garboden  |  09-04-2008  |  Comedy

A Bathroom Tour of Bostonnew

You've seen the "Doors of Dublin" poster. The Phoenix offers an local alternative for dorm-room art.
Boston Phoenix  |  k. bonami and G. Turner  |  09-04-2008  |  Comedy

Giving Away the Gamesnew

A top-secret government memorandum issued by General Administration of Press and Publication, Communist Party of the People's Republic of China and obtained by the Phoenix gives the press its marching orders.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  08-07-2008  |  Comedy

Me and My Tattoos: One Man's Inky Voyage Toward Meaningnew

Ever meet a guy -- an annoying, preening, cocky guy -- who was more than a little self-satisfied about his bodywork? The kind of guy who wants to tell you the back-story to every tattoo he ever got? Yeah, us too.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  07-31-2008  |  Comedy

Absinthe Madnessnew

When it was illegal, the legendary intoxicant was cool, but that's all over now. And at what price? (An illustrated update.)
Boston Phoenix  |  Karl Stevens & Gustavo Turner  |  07-17-2008  |  Comedy

The 10 Things We Miss Most from the Golden Age of Air Travelnew

There was a Golden Age of Air Travel, but anyone who's suffered the indignities of being shuttled around like a convict at 30,000 feet knows it's over.
Boston Phoenix  |  James Parker  |  05-22-2008  |  Comedy

Self Servenew

An illustrated response to the obscene price of gasoline.
Boston Phoenix  |  Scott Getchell  |  05-15-2008  |  Comedy

The 100 Unsexiest Men of 2008new

Beauty is only skin-deep, but unsexiness rots outward from the soul. Our annual roster of male undesirables proves the maxim: ugly is as ugly does.
Boston Phoenix  |  Staff  |  03-27-2008  |  Comedy

Stop the Pressesnew

After the Super Bowl, publishers poised to release such titles as the Boston Globe's 19-0 had no choice but to eat volumes of inopportune inventory. All this premature ejaculation makes one wonder what other tomes may have suffered similar fates?
Boston Phoenix  |  Neely Steinberg  |  02-14-2008  |  Comedy

Defending the Universally Loathednew

From Ashlee Simpson to "Thong Song" to Zubaz pants: we look with loving eyes at some of the worst people, places, and things in the world -- and give them a big hug.
Boston Phoenix  |  Staff  |  01-10-2008  |  Comedy

Ten New Careers for Bill Gatesnew

Best. Desktop support geek. Ever.
Boston Phoenix  |  Mike Miliard  |  01-10-2008  |  Comedy

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