AltWeeklies Wire
Newsflash: Orlando to Become New State Capital of Florida!new

A first look at Florida's new capitol complex coming to downtown Orlando.
Orlando Weekly |
Dave Plotkin and PJ Tamayo |
03-31-2012 |
The Are We Sunk? Indexnew

How quickly is Florida sinking into the ocean this week?
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
12-30-2011 |
Tags: Rick Scott, Florida politics
Right Wing Agendanew

A slightly debauched survival guide to the Conservative Political Action Conference taking place in Orlando this week.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
09-22-2011 |
Our Dumb Statenew

Volume 8 in our our semi-regular compendium of Floridian idiocy.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
08-18-2011 |

Rick Scott: The dumb state of Florida's dumb governor.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
03-04-2011 |
Happytown: Attention, Area Fatasses -- You're Not Alonenew
According to a recent report from the Trust for America's Health, nearly one-quarter of Florida adults are obese, and a third of our children are obese or overweight. What's most depressing about the report is that Florida's about average.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffery C. Billman and Billy Manes |
07-16-2009 |
Tags: obesity, public transportation
Happytown: RIP Billy Maysnew
Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Billy freaking Mays; all these people we've grown up with taking the dirt nap, all within days (or hours) of each other. In the wake of all of this bad news we almost overlooked the most recent economic forecast released by UCF prognosticator Sean Snaith. But we didn't.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman and Billy Manes |
07-02-2009 |
Council Watchnew
Regular commentary on the Orlando City Council.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
06-25-2009 |
Tags: Orlando City Council
Regular commentary on Orlando government and community events/news.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman and Billy Manes |
06-25-2009 |
Tags: Orlando
Florida Hometown Democracy Aims to Get Constitutional Amendment on 2010 Ballotnew
That amendment would require referenda on changes to counties' comprehensive land use plans; in essence, whenever some developer wants to replace wetlands with a surfeit of McMansions, you get to vote no. Democracy, geddit?
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman and Billy Manes |
06-19-2009 |
A weekly overview of the screwed-up happenings in Orlando.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes and Lindy T. Shepherd |
06-11-2009 |
Tags: Orlando, Orange County
Orlando City Council Watchnew
Thoughtful and biting commentary on Orlando's city council.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
06-11-2009 |
Tags: Orlando City Council
The Orlando Police Beatnew
Nov. 4, 3:38 a.m.: Three hours after this incident, people were going to start voting for the next president of the United States, which means that you were still up tossing and turning and hoping that rednecks in Pennsylvania wouldn't screw this up for the rest of us.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
11-14-2008 |
Happytown: Craigslist, Foreclosures, and Animal Servicesnew
Thank God the MBI has cleaned up this town.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman, Billy Manes, Deanna Morey and Bob Whitby |
11-14-2008 |
Election '08: Point: All Is Won. Counterpoint: No It Isn'tnew
Four years ago in this space, Weekly editor Bob Whitby and I penned columns on the meaning of the 2004 election, in which progressives and Democrats took a drubbing from George W. Bush and his minions. I foresaw a dystopian future of Republican rule. Whitby prognosticated a different vision, one in which the chickens of GOP excess and incompetence would come home to roost.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman and Bob Whitby |
11-14-2008 |