AltWeeklies Wire

Black Like Obamanew

Forget: "Is Barack Obama black enough to deserve the support of black voters?" The real question should be: "Is Barack Obama equipped to lead the most powerful country in the world?"
Metro Times  |  Larry Gabriel  |  04-10-2007  |  Commentary

Making Our Schools Safe for Homophobianew

For some so-called "conservatives," like Michigan state representatives John Moolenaar and Jack Hoogendyk, the need to hate gays and discriminate against them is greater than anything else, even their sacred tax cuts.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  04-03-2007  |  Commentary

U.S. Attorney Firings Undermine Courts' Credibilitynew

For democracy to work, we have to believe in the integrity of the legal system.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  03-21-2007  |  Commentary

How Gerald Ford Held the Roadnew

He was as different from the out-of-control chucklehead now in the White House as night from day.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  01-09-2007  |  Commentary

Should We Bring Back the Draft?new

Our professional army increasingly doesn't look like America -- in turn, America doesn't pay much attention to it.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  03-22-2006  |  Commentary

Vietnam War Was a Brilliant Idea Compared to Iraqi Messnew

Regardless of your theology, Bush Two is right indeed to point out that someday we will all be dead; what he left out is that thanks to his idiot policies and political cowardice, many of us are likely to be impoverished first.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  08-07-2004  |  Commentary

Reagan Mastered Con Game Called Compassionate Conservatismnew

Far be it from us to speak ill of the dead. We’d rather skewer the living. But we’re willing to make an exception to add some balance to the idolatry being heaped upon Ronald Reagan.
Metro Times  |  News Hits Staff  |  06-09-2004  |  Commentary

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