AltWeeklies Wire

Bored of Sestak-Specter-Toomey Yet? Not Usnew

Joe Sestak is still doing this whole “I want to be a senator” thing. He and Pat Toomey, the likely PA Republican Senate candidate, debated at LaSalle University last night. That new pinko liberal Arlen Specter couldn’t make it, but Sestak, for whatever reason, doesn’t want to give this thing up.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  04-12-2010  |  Commentary

As 2010 Senate Race Draws Near, the Health Care Debate Reminds Us Why Primaries Matternew

Joe Lieberman might have veto power over health reform. Establishment Democrats might remember that when they support Arlen Specter over progressive challenger Joe Sestak in 2010.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brendan Skwire  |  10-19-2009  |  Commentary

Listening to the Fringe at a July 4 Tea Party in Phillynew

It's getting so you can't tell regular Republican insanity from the lunatic fringe anymore. Take July 4, when a parade of local conservative luminaries gathered with 2,000 people at Independence Hall for a "tea party" devoted to protesting President Obama's tyrannical, socialist rule of unending taxation.

Philadelphia Weekly  |  Joel Mathis  |  07-13-2009  |  Commentary

How Will Chaka Fattah Vote on Health Care?new

When I read that Clinton-era fossil/Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel says "Obama is 'open to alternatives' to a new government insurance program in order to get legislation overhauling the health-care system to his desk", my initial reaction was exactly what it is now: FUCK THAT.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Brendan Skwire  |  06-30-2009  |  Commentary

Election '08: Welcome Back, Americanew

This election was America's absolute last chance not to be a dick. And you took it. Electing Obama was such an astoundingly cool thing to do that it wiped out -- at least temporarily -- all the incompetent, arrogant, bloody horror of the Bush years. You are forgiven.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steven Wells  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

My Great Schlep to Florida Was More Surreal than Politicalnew

My Granny has decided on Obama without my help. She admits she was wary of Obama because she heard he was Muslim, but her friends convinced her he's Christian. Her friends also told her John McCain is just like George Bush, and when the stock market crashed, that decided things for her.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Becca Trabin  |  10-27-2008  |  Commentary

US Politics: Way Too Important to be Left to Americansnew

If we really believed in democracy, we would extend the right to vote in the US elections to every human being on the planet who is directly affected by the result. Which -- by the last count -- was all 6 billion of us.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steven Wells  |  10-07-2008  |  Commentary

Thinking About Herbert Hoovernew

Comparing McCain to Hoover without appropriate historical context is about as penetrating as comparing him to Nero or Marie Antoinette, two other enduring symbols of coldhearted public servants.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Liz Spikol  |  09-29-2008  |  Commentary

Pat's Pass: Why the Buchanan Double Standard?new

Come on, media colleagues. Do some Google searching, read his books, and take a stand. Otherwise, there's only one conclusion viewers can come to: that MSNBC and PBS tacitly endorse Pat Buchanan's racist perspective.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Liz Spikol  |  09-08-2008  |  Commentary

Reflecting on Ted Kennedynew

Flawed, damaged, far too rotund, Ted Kennedy wasn't the most romantic of the brothers. But he was the one they could pick on -- he was the one who lived.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tim Whitaker  |  06-03-2008  |  Commentary

Our Endorsement: Barack Obama for Presidentnew

We want Barack Obama to be president -- not because he can hit a three-pointer in a 100-degree gym in street clothes, but because he's got that big game. And because he brings that game when the heat is hottest.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tim Whitaker  |  04-22-2008  |  Commentary

Is Obama's Pastor Really That Controversial?new

I guess Noam Chomsky would be a lot scarier if he were black. He'd get a lot more press too. Church of Chomsky, anyone?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Liz Spikol  |  03-31-2008  |  Commentary

Why Do I Love Obama?new

Ideologically, Hillary and Obama aren't much different. Ultimately, this race comes down to credibility, and I have my own complex reasonings for wanting Obama to be our next president.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  02-11-2008  |  Commentary

Don't Cry for Me, Hillarynew

You won't win me over with tears, lady.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Liz Spikol  |  01-22-2008  |  Commentary

This Just In: Gun Violence in Philly is Out of Controlnew

Apparently the siege started last week when gun violence escaped from its normal black-on-black, not-in-my-neighborhood, why-should-I-give-a-damn isolation into something unimaginable, something that gets cops shot and endangers the sanctity of the island of Center City.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  11-12-2007  |  Commentary

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