AltWeeklies Wire
The Year Ahead: A Comic Essaynew

2009? Really? Wasn't it just 1999? Oh, all right. Fine. Here's a look at the year ahead.
C-Ville Weekly |
Jen Sorensen |
01-07-2009 |
Virginia's GOP Chairman Navigates Some Stormy Watersnew
Not only did the much-despised Democrats thoroughly trounce the GOP at every level in the November elections, besting Republicans at the top, bottom, middle and occasionally along all four edges of the ticket, but Jeff Frederick also attracted a great deal of negative attention for some of his pre-election antics.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
12-10-2008 |
Election '08: Virginia, the Wild Blue Yondernew
Obama was a shoe-in to win the whole thing -- but Virginia?
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
11-12-2008 |
Election '08: Will Virginia Go for Obama?new
With even Larry Sabato calling the state for Obama, who has been stumping the heck out of Virginia's Southwest, Commonwealth McCainiacs are reduced to hoping for a full "Bradley Effect" on November 4.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
10-29-2008 |
Why the Death of the Virginia GOP Could Be Good for Republicansnew
As the polls continue to go south for John McCain, and the chances of Senate hopeful Jim Gilmore picking off Mark Warner slip from infinitesimal to "President Kucinich" levels of impossibility, we thought we'd take a quick look at the current state of the Old Dominion's convulsing conservative landscape.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
10-16-2008 |
Biden's Smart Reaction to Palin Hubbubnew
Over the longer term, the Palin pick will probably collapse under the weight of its own lightness, and Biden is entirely correct not to react to her in any significant way.
C-Ville Weekly |
Alan Zimmerman |
09-10-2008 |
As He Eyes VP Slot, Sen. Jim Webb Presents a New Version of Himselfnew

It certainly hasn't escaped our notice that Webb has undergone a bit of a personality transfer as of late, and seems to be mellowing into a slightly-less-combative, slightly-more-effective version of the tough-talking SOB that we've come to know and ... well, maybe not love, but at least regard with brotherly affection.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
06-11-2008 |
What Obama's Virginia Victory Says About Usnew
Behind Barack Obama's decisive victory in Virginia's primary lay the presence of the late Irene Morgan, who battled bus segregation in Virginia, but never became as famous as Rosa Parks.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
02-20-2008 |
Stick a Fork in George Allen -- He's Donenew
The one-time high-flying Virginia governor, senator and probable presidential nominee (all until "macaca"), signals the end of his career in politics with a bland, platitude-filled missive declaring that he (quel surprise!) will not re-seek the governorship in 2009.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
01-23-2008 |
Tags: George Allen, macaca
Virginia's Primary Dreamsnew
Could the state's voters actually make a difference this year?
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
01-09-2008 |
Va. Republicans Develop Case of the Red State Bluesnew
Senator Jim Webb's complete control of Congress over the Thanksgiving break seemed to symbolize the rise of the Virginia Democratic Party.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
12-12-2007 |
Is John Warner a Key to Averting War With Iran?new
While Warner is not opposing Kyl-Lieberman, he does not seem quite in concert with the Bush-Cheney program either.
C-Ville Weekly |
Alan Zimmerman |
11-07-2007 |
Tags: Iran
John Warner Supports Troops, Except When He Doesn'tnew
The senator originally supported a bill, sponsored by the other Virginia senator, James Webb, that would even the amount of time troops spend training with the amount of time they spend on tours in Iraq and Afganistan -- but last week, he changed his mind, which killed Senate momentum to pass the measure.
C-Ville Weekly |
Alan Zimmerman |
09-26-2007 |
Tags: war in iraq, Congress
Senator John Warner Goes Out Swingingnew
We're sad to see him go -- love him or loathe him, it's undeniable that Warner embodies a type of thoughtful, pragmatic and dignified politician that is in precious short supply on Capitol Hill these days.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
09-05-2007 |
Is Regent University Taking Over the Government?new
Pat Robertson's Christian university boasts 150 graduates currently serving in the Bush administration.
C-Ville Weekly |
Dan Catalano |
04-18-2007 |