AltWeeklies Wire
Mitt to Shitnew

If Romney wins, expect more lies and misdeeds from both parties in 2016.
Seattle Weekly |
Ron Reagan |
11-01-2012 |
Tags: Ron Reagan Jr.
Is State Rep. Matt Shea the Craziest Right-Wingnut in Washington?new

Washington State Rep. Matt Shea is very busy down in Olympia. That's probably why he's been unable to discuss with us why he thinks Obama is Hitler, if not merely Stalin, or explain his belief in the planned takeover of America by a secret Obama army.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
02-22-2010 |
As a Cash-Strapped State Prepares to Cut Services, Billions are Being Doled Outnew
What about all the other sugar out there, the taxes the state of Washington doesn't collect? There's a bureaucratic mountain of them. Over the past two years alone, they have accounted for a record $98.5 billion in potential tax revenue the state never got.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
02-08-2010 |
How Gay Porn Gets a Pass in Seattlenew
Would female strippers on city-owned property go over as well as Mr. Nude Seattle?
Seattle Weekly |
Mark D. Fefer |
04-07-2008 |
'Too Tight to Tell' Is the New 'Too Close to Call'new
Or, if you prefer, "Too Narrow to Note."
Seattle Weekly |
Laura Onstot |
03-24-2008 |
Wonks and Nerdsnew
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett could teach a couple of Washington politicians a thing or two.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
06-28-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
Medicare I Can't Affordnew
The new prescription-drug program is a disaster, so I'm not enrolling.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
05-17-2006 |
A Protest That Worksnew
Why do immigration marches get media attention when antiwar rallies don't?
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
05-03-2006 |
Baby Talkin' Big Brothernew

The Chinese have a new face for the police state.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
04-19-2006 |
Purple People Eatersnew
The Democrats cannot gain control of Congress by denigrating the suburbs.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
03-22-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
A War on Irannew
The Bush administration's hostility to negotiation and the possibility of its attack on Iran -- and the likely result -- must be widely publicized before it's too late.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
02-22-2006 |
The Constitutional Crises of 2006new
Given that Bush and his cabal have predicted that their War on Terror may last up to 100 years, the president is actually claiming that the rule of law need not apply for several generations.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-04-2006 |
When Presidents Lienew
In modern times, this is what presidents do, Democrats as well as Republicans. The bigger the stakes, the bigger the lies, and there are no bigger stakes than war. They lie to Congress, they lie to the American public, they lie to the world. Why are we surprised?
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
11-30-2005 |
Redneck Renegadenew

Forget Iraq -- country music legend Merle Haggard says it's America that needs freeing.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
11-25-2005 |
They Protest Too Muchnew
The anti-war movement needs to focus the message if it wants to attract the mainstream.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
10-05-2005 |