AltWeeklies Wire

American Graffitinew

Detroit's murals offer perspectives on America.
Metro Times  |  Lee DeVito  |  07-07-2014  |  Art

Robbing the Banksynew

When 555 Gallery cut a Banksy out of the old Packard Plant in Detroit, they said it was to "preserve" the street art. Now, strapped for cash, the gallery intends to sell it, raising all sorts of questions: What are the rules of street art? Who really painted it? And how much is it worth?
Metro Times  |  Michael Jackman  |  05-14-2014  |  Art

Banksy Bombs Detroitnew

Last week, underground superstar street artist Banksy paid a visit to Detroit. He was on what could be considered one of the most proactively viral and resourceful publicity tours in history. Hitting Los Angeles, Park City (for Sundance), Chicago and Toronto, the famed spray-can kid left a series of paintings in his now-iconic style, but also some indelible pain, in Detroit. Whereas Banksy typically, in other cities, elicits retorts from ignorant municipal types calling his work simple vagrancy, in Detroit he was damn good news, even if he fervently, inadvertently divided the arts community.
Metro Times  |  Travis R. Wright  |  05-25-2010  |  Art

Nearly 30 Detroit Ex-Pat Artists Living in NYC Tell Us to Stay Putnew

For any cognizant creative whose finger is on the pulse of this ailing city, the news of one relocating to New York is a cliché. And other places too. Want to move to L.A.? Good luck.
Metro Times  |  Travis R. Wright  |  03-23-2010  |  Art

Bombs, Burns and Coloring Books: Decoding Graffiti with Kobie Solomonnew

Before getting into the charred thickets of east Detroit, you'll pass the old train yard. In certain areas you'll see stray dogs, vagabonds, curious shutterbugs, countless pounds of broken glass and gnarly graffiti art. It's been that way for decades.
Metro Times  |  Travis R. Wright  |  02-23-2010  |  Art

Era-Defining Cass Corridor Artists Reconvene on the Wallnew

Time and Place is a beautifully curated and installed exhibition of artists from Detroit's Cass Corridor from approximately 1968 to 1980.
Metro Times  |  Glen Mannisto  |  05-26-2009  |  Art

The Kresge Foundation Fends Off Artist Starvation and Fuels the Creative Classnew

The Kresge Artist Fellowships -- which will annually award 18 local artists $25,000 -- are one part of an $8.8 million overall commitment to arts and culture in the Detroit area made by the foundation.
Metro Times  |  Kelli B. Kavanaugh  |  01-06-2009  |  Art

Rock Posters Supreme: The Scoop on Detroit's Emerging Artistsnew

There's an emerging crew of graphic artists who, in this MySpace age of ease, still opt to equip themselves with Sharpies, scissors and spray cans, sketching, screen-printing and staring at their computer screens for hours each night.
Metro Times  |  Rebecca Mazzei  |  07-01-2008  |  Art

Alexis Peskine's Agitprop Comes to Detroitnew

His pop-inspired graphics express the unrest that still exists in the aftermath of colonialism and slavery.
Metro Times  |  Rebecca Mazzei  |  04-01-2008  |  Art

Royalty Up in This Bitchnew

Hip-hop celebs get graceful makeovers from an international art star.
Metro Times  |  Khary Kimani Turner and Rebecca Mazzei  |  02-26-2008  |  Art

Bone-Up, Critsnew

Detroit art kicks ass -- so why can't local media and bloggers figure it out?
Metro Times  |  Vince Carducci  |  01-09-2007  |  Art

Pop-Up Artnew

John O'Reilly's photomontages cut to the chase.
Metro Times  |  Glen Mannisto  |  12-27-2006  |  Art

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