AltWeeklies Wire

You've Got No Mailnew

The corporate hit job on the US Postal Service continues wit the end of Saturday mail.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  02-15-2013  |  Commentary

Predictions and Apocalyptic Visions for 2012new

Republicans filibuster outgoing President Obama's congratulatory phone call, and more fearless predictions for 2012.
Artvoice  |  Artvoice Staff & Readers  |  12-23-2011  |  Commentary

How Sweet is Mardi Gras in New Orleans This Year?new

One week before the Crescent City’s annual bacchanalia, right in the heart of parade season, its beloved Saints brought home the Vince Lombardi trophy. (And on their very first try. Showoffs.) This year’s Fat Tuesday celebrations promise to be a Big Easy epic.
Artvoice  |  Geoff Kelly  |  02-12-2010  |  Commentary

Reboot America: A Lesson from Post-Consumerist Cubanew

It sucks that it took a depression to get us here, but historians might just look back on this depression as the event that saved the ecosystem just when we were on the brink of flopping over a climatic tipping point.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  03-13-2009  |  Commentary

Shopping at the End of the Worldnew

This year's Black Friday shop-a-thon bested last year's sales numbers by more than eight percent. This might seem weird, given the collapse of the dollar, the epidemic of mortgage foreclosures, the expanding pension and healthcare crisis, peak-oil-induced soaring energy costs and the overall meltdown of the economy.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  11-30-2007  |  Commentary

Global Warming Is Just a Symptomnew

If we're seriously pro-life and want to see the planet survive, we need to get a handle on the population explosion -- that's what is ultimately at the center of our unfolding environmental catastrophe.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  05-04-2007  |  Commentary

Why Nuclear Power is Not the Answer to Looming Energy Crisisnew

Going the nuclear route might keep our air conditioners running for a few more years, but if there's a surefire route to really blowing it and rendering the planet absolutely uninhabitable, this is it.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  04-13-2007  |  Commentary

My Shopping Orgynew

I've written too many of what are basically the same Buy Nothing Day article -- so this year I set out to do some ethnographic fieldwork, immersing myself in the heart of the beast.
Artvoice  |  Michael I. Niman  |  12-22-2006  |  Commentary

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