AltWeeklies Wire
Keith Richards's Lifenew

The Rolling Stone spills all — eloquently.
Boston Phoenix |
Joyce Millman |
11-15-2010 |
'The Publisher': Twilight of the Superheroesnew
The ghost of Time Inc.’s Henry Luce haunts Bill Keller, Executive Editor of the New York Times.
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Kadzis |
04-29-2010 |
Roger Clemens's Rise and Fallnew

A career once on a par with those of Christy Mathewson, Warren Spahn, and Sandy Koufax now rests with Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe.
Boston Phoenix |
George Kimball |
04-02-2009 |
The Romance of Decay in Photosnew
Cheer up and don't let this dust-to-dust business slow you down. That's something to keep in mind when confronting the work of Jerry Berndt and Eugene Richards, two photographers with Boston ties adept at making art from what a lot of people consider ugly, untouchable things.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
03-05-2009 |
'Four Kings' KO's the Last Golden Era of Boxingnew

With boxing in one of its periodic public downturns, George Kimball cooks up some compelling nostalgia by recounting an era when great American fighters bestrode the planet.
Boston Phoenix |
Mark Jurkowitz |
10-02-2008 |
Searching for National Identity in 'State By State'new

An American anthology offers proof that despite the intractable antipathy between red and blue, despite the creeping sameness imposed by chains and big boxes, despite the fact that 81 percent of its citizens feel the U.S. has gone off the rails, this is still a wondrously diverse country, with great cause for self-confidence.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
09-25-2008 |
Norman Mailer's 1968 War Storiesnew
Mailer wrote his accounts of the 1968 national conventions on assignment for Harper's, and predicted a 40-year war with the emerging neo-cons. Alas, he was right about that.
Boston Phoenix |
Charles Taylor |
08-20-2008 |
Victim, Not Vixennew
Evelyn Nesbit biographer Paula Uruburu makes a convincing case that sexual naïveté plus parental abandonment aggravated by an unearned notoriety based on looks alone added up to certain doom for the most beautiful woman in the world.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
07-31-2008 |
Bookman: Larry McMurtry's Life in the Tradenew
The Lonesome Dove and Brokeback Mountain author's latest autobiographical effort focuses on his years as an antiquarian book-seller.
Boston Phoenix |
George Kimball |
07-10-2008 |
Repression Illustrated: People's History in a Graphic Formatnew

National Lampoon/Heavy Metal illustrator Rick Geary’s graphic bio of the notorious FBI strongman, J. Edgar Hoover, and American Splendor author Harvey Pekar’s anthology of new-left living-history reminiscences, Students for a Democratic Society are well-drawn histories.
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
07-03-2008 |
Mike Edison Walks Alonenew
On his death bed, Edison probably won't lament that he didn't do this or he didn't go there. His leap-then-look approach to life leaves no time for hemming-and-hawing, and even the title of his new memoir reads like bang-bang-bang.
Boston Phoenix |
Amy Finch |
06-12-2008 |
'The Greatest Game' is Filled with Buckner-esque Errorsnew
It's the 30th anniversary of the '78 season and the Yankees are in the cellar again, so comparisons are inevitable. But Richard Bradley's recent book on the '78 Sox season finale, lacks ... well almost everything.
Boston Phoenix |
George Kimball |
05-29-2008 |
Brave New Worldnew
Australian-born feminist Germaine Greer launches a campaign against Bardolaters with a revised look at Shakespeare's wife and their world.
Boston Phoenix |
Jeffrey Gantz |
04-03-2008 |
Same To You, Fellanew

Snarking back at self-righteous, passive-aggressive, thick-skulled dim-wits isn't as easy as you might think. But help has arrived.
Boston Phoenix |
Sharon Steel |
03-06-2008 |
Adrian Tomine's Graphic Identitynew
A Japanese-American artist confronts race and disappointment in his first long-form graphic novel.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
02-21-2008 |