AltWeeklies Wire

A Reductionist Take on Media Reformnew

What bothers me so much about Chester is that I share his passion for issues of media choice and personal privacy, but he makes enormous logical leaps and engages in gross oversimplification and ad-hominem attacks.
San Antonio Current  |  Aaron Delwiche  |  03-14-2007  |  Nonfiction

Smells Like Anarchynew

The abrupt ending is a reminder that punk's story is a messy, contentious one, and where Heylin succeeds is in explaining the movement's infancy.
San Antonio Current  |  Gilbert Garcia  |  01-10-2007  |  Nonfiction

If Art Is a Lie, Then Tell Me a Talenew

On Truth is not so much a sequel as a prequel or, in more formal terms, a prolegomenon to On Bullshit.
San Antonio Current  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  01-10-2007  |  Nonfiction

The Beagle Bites Backnew

Levine is not cowed by caricatures of Darwin as the man who claimed that a human is just a monkey's nephew -- rather, he takes more seriously Max Weber's contention that modern, reductionist science has expelled meaning and value from the world.
San Antonio Current  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  01-03-2007  |  Nonfiction

Arabian Nights, American Centuriesnew

Oren's history of the Middle East finds U.S. adventurers, bounders, and dreamers of every persuasion.
San Antonio Current  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  12-20-2006  |  Nonfiction

Magnificent Solipsismnew

Vidal's second memoir is pompous, flip, arrogant, and somewhat irresistable.
San Antonio Current  |  John Dicker  |  12-07-2006  |  Nonfiction

Skin Deepnew

While denying that all thoughts are worthy of equal respect, Michaels makes a rankling contribution to the diversity of contemporary thought.
San Antonio Current  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  11-08-2006  |  Nonfiction

It's the Culture, Stupidnew

Mudcat Saunders wants to lead the Democrats out of the Northeastern wilderness.
San Antonio Current  |  Elaine Wolff  |  04-12-2006  |  Nonfiction

Moving Targetnew

A historian shows that, far from being born in the wake of the '60s-era Chicano Movement, bilingual education is part of the very fabric of Texas. Also reviewed is Craig Kaplowitz's Lulac: Mexican Americans and National Policy.
San Antonio Current  |  Alejandro Perez  |  05-27-2005  |  Nonfiction

Texas's Liberal Icons Offer Advice for Political Seasonnew

Books by two of the state's most prominent liberal writers come at a time when the state's Democrats are trying to reorganize and rebuild, clearing out the weeds and wreckage of a decade of Republican dominance. Reviewed along with Hightower's book is Molly Ivins' Who Let the Dogs In? Incredible Political Animals I Have Known.
San Antonio Current  |  Sean-Paul Kelley  |  08-31-2004  |  Nonfiction

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