AltWeeklies Wire
Ghost Writer: The Haunted World of Kelly Linknew
Link is the rare writer who's able to mix of-the-moment items, products, and activities with the eternal, the timeless: quests, coming of age, entering a new world, death, and the day-to-day mysteries of being human.
Boston Phoenix |
Nina MacLaughlin |
10-02-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Kelly Link, Pretty Monsters
Overhead Bagage: David Foster Wallace, 1962-2008new

DFW possessed a brain that was crowded with doubt -- about his own ability, sure, and in the larger sense, the ability of any of us to adequately express anything.
Boston Phoenix |
Nina MacLaughlin |
09-18-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: David Foster Wallace, obituaries
The Amazing Life and Mysterious Death of Peter Iversnew

You've probably never heard of Peter Ivers. But the Massachusetts-born, Harvard-educated free spirit was a sort of Zelig of the late-'60s-to-early-'80s pop-cultural scene. And somebody beat him to death.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
09-11-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
'Sex & the Soul' Looks at Sex and the Single Studentnew

Campus sex lives have never been more perilous and less fulfilling. But according to a serious nationwide study, even kids who know better feel powerless to change the hook-up norm.
Boston Phoenix |
Neely Steinberg |
05-15-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Howard Zinn Never Figured He'd Be in a Comic Booknew
But there he is in the new A People's History of American Empire, in which artist Mike Konopacki and historian Paul Buhle commingle the scholarship of Zinn's A People's History of the United States with the personal recollections of his memoir, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
04-17-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
The Latest Hellboy Gossipnew

With Hellboy II: The Golden Army hitting theaters this summer and plans for the further adventures of Screw-On Head, illustrated novelist Mike Mignola never gets a day off.
Boston Phoenix |
Kristina Wong |
03-27-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Hellboy, Mike Mignola
Synonymous with Pretensenew
Peter Roget never intended his thesaurus to be the verbal equivalent of a fast-food drive-thru for people who want to sound more intellectual (sage, academic).
Boston Phoenix |
Caitlin E. Curran |
03-20-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Race and Romancenew

A brief interview with graphic novelist Adrian Tomine on his just-released Shortcomings.
Boston Phoenix |
Kristina Wong |
02-21-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Adrian Tomine, Shortcomings
The Long Viewnew
Long-time Boston jazz critic Bob Blumenthal avoids the relay-race theory of music history. The artists, he says, never passed the baton -- they just kept running.
Boston Phoenix |
Jon Garelick |
01-30-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Plunder, Pillage, and Profitnew
A provocative new book suggests big business could learn from young thieves.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
01-18-2008 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Pressuring the Pressnew
In Reporting the War: Freedom of the Press from the American Revolution to the War on Terrorism, John Byrne Cooke tracks press influence on public opinion from the rabble rousing of the Revolutionary War–era Massachusetts Spy to anti-Bush rants of today's alt press.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
11-29-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Brit Witsnew

As Nick Hornby and Irvine Welsh face 50, two of Brit Lit's standard-bearers stare down middle age in very different ways.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
10-11-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Touched by Gracenew
On Andre Dubus's unending gifts.
Boston Phoenix |
Nina MacLaughlin |
09-27-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: andre dubus
Our Town?new
Keillor's new Lake Wobegon novel is the story of funeral ashes, a green bowling ball, a parasail, and the deceased's secret life. Don't be sad.
Boston Phoenix |
Jeffrey Gantz |
09-13-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Garrison Keillor, Pontoon
Sorrow Floatsnew
Grief -- and a pervasive sense of doom -- drives this book.
Boston Phoenix |
Nina MacLaughlin |
03-01-2007 |
Author Profiles & Interviews