AltWeeklies Wire

Dan Savage: All Americannew

Dan Savage has slipped the sultry bonds of sex advice to become something more, a sort of ethicist for the growing progressive wing of American culture.
Metro Times  |  Michael Jackman  |  11-30-2012  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Books Issue 2012new

Excerpts from Mitch Ryder's memoirs, poetry from Terry Blackhawk, a Q&A with co-author Steve Babson on a biography of attorney Ernie Goodman, pulp fiction from the mean streets of Detroit and suburban Ferndale, and more.
Metro Times  |  Mitch Ryder, W. Kim Heron, Michael Jackman, Christa Buchanan and Dan Merritt  |  03-21-2012  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Curveball' Tells the Story of Toni Stone, the First Female Negro League Baseball Playernew

Stone's life and career -- from neighborhood pickup game to cross-country barnstorming to obscurity in retirement -- are aptly recounted in Martha Ackmann's Curveball: The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone, the First Woman to Play Professional Baseball in the Negro League.
Metro Times  |  Sandra Svoboda  |  04-11-2011  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

An Author With a Major New Novel Rises Quietly From the Workaday Motor Citynew

Michael Zadoorian is a writer who has a true love of his hometown (as you'll read) and the kind of 24-7, "why not?" work ethic that has defined Detroit artists from Berry Gordy to Elmore Leonard, Glenn Barr to Eminem.
Metro Times  |  Chris Handyside  |  02-24-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Music, Myth and the Spiritual in the Poetry of Kim Hunternew

Detroiter Kim Hunter's new collection of poems, edge of the time zone, is a winding road lined with imagery, political thought and courageous dreaming. That beautiful stretch of imagination parallels a real-life journey.
Metro Times  |  Norene Smith  |  02-03-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

What's God Got To Do with It?: Ron Aronson and the Politics of Religionnew

The author of books on Marxism and the French existentialists now turns to the idea of an America that's been cowed by the religious right, but that is not, in fact, so religious as most of us have been led to believe.
Metro Times  |  W. Kim Heron and Curt Guyette  |  01-07-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Tim Reid is Still Making Race Relations Funnynew

Partnered with Tom Dreesen, now a veteran standup comic and humanitarian, Reid was half of what had to be America's first interracial comedy team, Tim & Tom. And now, somewhat reluctantly, he's having the last laugh with Dreesen, compiling the memories of that era into a fascinating new book, Tim & Tom: An American Comedy in Black and White.
Metro Times  |  Jim McFarlin  |  11-25-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Loren Estleman: The Guy Who Isn't Elmore Leonardnew

A glimpse into the life of Michigan's other -- and quite prolific -- crime writer. This year alone, the 56-year-old Estleman published one book of photography, three novels and slews of short fiction.
Metro Times  |  Odell Waller  |  11-04-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Poet-performer jessica Care moore Talks Success and Heartbreaknew

She's 36 now, and she's gone from making a big splash as a young prodigy on the stage of the famed Apollo to becoming a real force in the world of poetry and art.
Metro Times  |  Norene Cashen  |  09-30-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Novelist Megan Abbott is the New Queen of Noirnew

The Detroit writer hits Hollywood paydirt and turns on James Ellroy.
Metro Times  |  Norene Cashen  |  09-09-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Immigrant Poet Zilka Joseph Straddles Two Worldsnew

Joseph lives, works and studies here in Michigan, but her poetry tells the story of a woman who exists in two different places. Born in Bombay and raised in Calcutta, Joseph has been in this country since 1997. In a physical sense, moving here meant leaving everything behind. In her poems, she shows that it isn't where you live that matters, but what lives on in you.
Metro Times  |  Norene Cashen  |  08-12-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Zane Gets Her Freak Onnew

Zane is credited with single-handedly uncovering a market publishers didn't even know existed, forging a way for a new generation of African-American authors who write hot books with African-American audiences in mind.
Metro Times  |  Makkada B. Selah  |  02-19-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'Blood Passion' Looks at a Rocky Mountain Lownew

It was the early 1990s when journalist Scott Martelle first read about how more than two dozen people had been killed when National Guardsmen and company detectives opened fire on a tent village of striking copper miners' families in Colorado almost a century ago. The curiosity grew into an obsession, culminating in his new book.
Metro Times  |  Michael Jackman  |  10-23-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Woman On the Vergenew

A conversation with poet Vievee Francis.
Metro Times  |  Peter Markus  |  02-27-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Visions of Visionsnew

Annette Gilson sees a utopia in the Midwest.
Metro Times  |  Heather A. McMacken  |  02-06-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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