AltWeeklies Wire
The Honest Mistakes: 'Break Up'new

These are break-up songs, not particularly sad or mopey by any genre's standards, but the Honest Mistakes are soaking you in a whole lot of this: "Find a picture of your favorite friend, tonight/ take a look at it, as long as you can/ it might be the only thing you have left of them."
Baltimore City Paper |
Michael Byrne |
01-26-2010 |
Tags: Break Up, The Honest Mistakes
Oneida's 'Rated O' Feels Like a Watershednew
There aren't many (any?) indie-ish rock bands of whom it can be said that their 11th full-length is their best, especially given that said full-length comes out to much more than "full length" -- nearly two solid hours of music spread across three CDs or LPs.
Baltimore City Paper |
Lee Gardner |
09-01-2009 |
Deerhunter Confounds and Delights Againnew

Deerhunter doubly rewards fans' faith and rebuffs critics who dismiss the band as all reverb/echo flash and no songwriting chops -- literally, because Microcastle is actually two albums in one: Microcastle proper and a bonus disc of odds and ends titled Weird Era Cont.
Baltimore City Paper |
Raymond Cummings |
11-04-2008 |
Tags: Deerhunter, Microcastle
Religious Knives, Surprisingly, Create Order Out Of Chaosnew

So far this year, Religious Knives have issued two proper albums that mark monster steps away from noise-drone doldrums and into classic rock/no-wave terrain. In both cases, the quartet starts out with a head fake.
Baltimore City Paper |
Raymond Cummings |
10-28-2008 |
Solange Knowles Tries to Seperate Herself From Her Sisternew
While Beyonce's primary persona is fiercely independent, domineering, and largely overconfident, her little sister presents as fragile, unsure, and in need of male protection.
Baltimore City Paper |
Raymond Cummings |
09-30-2008 |
Daptone Captures the Mississippi of Right Nownew
Though it currently has a population of just about 1,300, Como, Miss., holds a large place in music history. Blues greats such as the amazing Hemphill family and Junior Kimbrough lived very close, up in the Mississippi hill country that lies between the Tennessee border and the Delta.
Baltimore City Paper |
Mike McGonigal |
09-30-2008 |
Teeth Mountain Doesn't Re-invent the Drum Circlenew
But its members do it with a sincere appreciation for the woollier end of late-'60s radicalism.
Baltimore City Paper |
Bret McCabe |
09-16-2008 |
Tags: Teeth Mountain
Ben Parris Gets a Solid Minimal Techno Workoutnew
Parris keeps a fairly low profile around Baltimore. Like just about everybody else of moderate success in the techno community, he does a fair amount of time in Berlin, which is to techno as Brooklyn is to avant-rock.
Baltimore City Paper |
Michael Byrne |
09-16-2008 |
Kimya Dawson Winds a Strange Path to 'Alphabutt'new

Who'd have imagined--back when she and fellow Moldy Peach Adam Green were waxing anti-folk rhapsodic about downloading porn with Davo, about Duran Duran boyfriends, about what to stick their dicks in--that Kimya Dawson could ever be closer than an NFL football field to household name status?
Baltimore City Paper |
Raymond Cummings |
09-16-2008 |
'Take Me to the Sea' Announces Jaguar Love as Its Own Entitynew
Johnny Whitney's new project with ex-Blood Brother Cody Votolato and ex- Pretty Girls Make Graves member Jay Clark, finds him dialing the histrionics down to suit the trio's relatively broader musical palette.
Baltimore City Paper |
Raymond Cummings |
09-02-2008 |
Cacophonous Urgency Propells Abe Vigodanew
Beneath the pretty wash of lo-fi pedal effects, chiming guitars, and singers Michael Vidal and Juan Velazquez's wavering, endearingly boyish harmonies--all near-dominated by constant drums--is a mighty drive toward pure noise, a not-quite-consuming dissolution.
Baltimore City Paper |
Raven Baker |
09-02-2008 |
Ron Rico Summons the Ghost of J Dillanew
In the space of just over half an hour, Music in Me Instrumentals runs through 20 tracks, most of them playing out as simple loops with occasional variations.
Baltimore City Paper |
Al Shipley |
09-02-2008 |
Stereolab Pleasantly Regresses to the Dullest Point in Its Careernew
Chemical Chords is the sort of record where you hit play and all of a sudden you're halfway through the thing without even realizing how you got there.
Baltimore City Paper |
Raymond Cummings |
08-26-2008 |
A New Six-Disc Set Documents Two Years of Live Suicide Havocnew

Filling six discs with 13 complete sets from New York and Europe, Live 1977-78 is perhaps, as the back cover text admits, "Not for the fainthearted or casual fan." (Is there even such a thing as a casual Suicide fan?)
Baltimore City Paper |
Marc Masters |
08-12-2008 |
Tags: suicide, Live 1977-78
Usher's Maturity Makes You Long for His Childish Waysnew
He even reprints Corinthians 13:11 ("when I became a man, I put away childish things") in the liner notes, just to beat you over the head with the point.
Baltimore City Paper |
Al Shipley |
07-08-2008 |