AltWeeklies Wire
Katlyn Conroy and Matt Pryor write made-to-order love songs for Valentine's Daynew

Flowers die. Lingerie fades. But songs — songs last forever...
Kansas City's Hip-hop Wants a Piece of Hot 103new

Jaz Brewer has engineered albums for some of the biggest names in Kansas City rap. Some songs that Brewer has produced have made it to the city's only commercial hip-hop station. The vast majority, however, have not, and it's not because they aren't up-to-par productionwise.
Eric 'Mean' Melin is a Real Musician, but it's Air Guitar That Might Make Him a Starnew
"Mean Melin. Mean Melin. Mean Melin," the crowd chants. They're cheering for a guy who just pretended to play guitar -- and rocked their fucking faces off. Mean Melin throws up the devil horns. He's going to the U.S. Air Guitar Championships in Washington, D.C.
Abigail Henderson Fights Cancer and Rallies Musicians for Health Carenew
Stage III inflammatory breast cancer, to put it bluntly, fucks shit up. But as far as Henderson and her friends are concerned, it is not going to stop the rock.
Think You've Seen it All? Wait 'Till You've Seen Kansas City's The Klangsnew
The sound of guitars, bass, drums and keyboards would be enough for most bands to get their point across. New KC outfit the Klangs does a little more to help the audience visualize the scenes in its songs about robots and alien wars.
How the Quest for a Waylon Jennings T-shirt Ended with Owning the Legend's Tour Busnew

Fred Wickham has two types of friends: the ones who thought he was crazy around this time last year — and the ones who thought what he did was the coolest thing ever.
Pay 2 Playnew
Hip-hop hustlers are making off with Kansas City rappers' hard-earned cash.
Show Snipersnew
Faced with hefty ticket prices, some locals take to the roofs around Kansas City's outdoor venues.
Six Reasons to Listen to Junior Boys' Newest Instead of Timbalandnew
Reason number one: Timbaland will tell you to bounce -- repeatedly. Junior Boys will not tell you to bounce -- ever.
Elephant 6's Memorynew
New releases from the Apples in Stereo and Of Montreal pick up the thread of a legendary collective.
In the Bloodnew
Two music industry veterans-slash-victims are starting up a label that could finally introduce Kansas City's music scene to the world.
Punk Like Menew
Though now on slightly different tracks, Archer Prewitt and Mott-Ly were two of a kind back in their Kansas City Art Institute days.
Singles Barnew
Kansas-based Little Hits provides ear candy for the song-deprived.