AltWeeklies Wire
La Santa Cecilia, an 'It' Band and L.A.'s Next Big Genre-Bending Latinonew

Every couple of years, a Latino band emerges from this area who match their neighborhood and times, who transcend Latino L.A. to become a regional crossover hit. La Santa Cecilia is next.
The Indio Index: Coachella By the Numbersnew
Around 150,000 people were at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio this year—150,000 people who are all kinda nuts. Here are some other significant numbers from Coachella ’09.
Tags: music festivals, Coachella
Seven Unsexy Songs About Sexnew
With apologies to Big Black, here are seven songs about fucking that are unlikely to inspire any actual fucking.
Tags: Sex, sexy songs
The Best Tribute Bands to Never Existnew
What of the many acts that, for one reason or another, will never merit the tribute-band treatment? Let's travel to a thoroughly unhip parallel universe and check out the greatest tribute bands to (hopefully) never exist.
Why Southern Hip-Hop Is the Same as FOX Newsnew
Though FOX News and Southern rap both have anti-intellectual appeal, there's more to the story than that. Rather than simply pandering to the red-state masses, they have tapped into powerful populist sensibilities in areas that didn't previously have a national voice.
Manic Hispanic Coversnew
Americans recording Mexican songs: The bueno, the bad and the muy ugly.
Tags: covers
Emos, Mexico and Timbiriche's Sweet Nostalgia Tripnew
Part of me wants to condemn Timbiriche, a 1980s-era teen-pop group that reunited this year to tour across Mexico and its American territories. But there is much to enjoy about the band -- and I’m not just talking about the spicy señoritas.
Are Your Ears Burning Yet?new
Surveying the (potential) sound-good hits of the summer.
Never Mind the Shit, Here's Coachellanew
Is this annual desert festival an ordeal or orgasmic experience? Yes.
Seven Ultra-violent Mexican Songs to Put You in a Bueno Spiritnew
Violence and Mexican music go hand in hand like tequila and lime.
Zack Is Backnew
And de la Rocha's playing Mexican music?!
Fall Art Threatnew
Rock 'n' roll may never die, but Mark E. Smith will still bury us all.
Tags: The Fall
Mozart an Idiot!new
An Orange County lawsuit says two-year-old wrote many of Michael Jackson's hits.