AltWeeklies Wire
'Hot Tub Time Machine,' Reviewednew

The title of Hot Tub Time Machine tells you pretty much all you need to know about what you’re getting into. As Samuel L. Jackson famously said of Snakes on a Plane: “You either want to see it, or you don’t.”
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
03-26-2010 |
Tags: Hot Tub Time Machine, Steve Pink
You'll Probably Feel Like You've Seen Brothers Before, Even if You Haven'tnew
Ask me about Brothers 2009 four years from now and you'll probably have to press this very review into my hands as proof that it passed before my eyes.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Mike D'Angelo |
12-04-2009 |
Tags: Jim Sheridan, Brothers
The Latest in the 'Twilight' Saga is Gooey Tedium for Fans Onlynew

New Moon is a terrible movie, worse in some ways than Twilight, better in others, and no doubt baffling to the many who don't spend their time fantasizing about being swept off their feet by Robert Pattinson's controlling vampire Edward Cullen or Taylor Lautner's petulant werewolf Jacob Black.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
11-20-2009 |
'Taking Woodstock' is Ang Lee's Lamest Movie Evernew
If this film winds up being all that remains after a nuclear holocaust, it’ll be a valuable document. Otherwise, zzz.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Mike D'Angelo |
08-27-2009 |
Tags: Taking Woodstock, Ang Lee
Listless Comedy 'Post Grad' Squanders Any Potential It May Have Hadnew
A kind of disjointed lurching from one thing to another pervades the movie, and it doesn't help that the characters speak almost entirely in platitudes. The uncertainty of post-college life is a potential gold mine of interesting material, and this movie avoids nearly all of it.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
08-20-2009 |
'The Goods: Live Hard. Sell Hard.' is a Worthless Waste of Timenew
When you can't get will Ferrell, you get ... Jeremy Piven? That's apparently what the makers of this awkwardly titled film decided, since the movie originally conceived as a starring vehicle for Ferrell (who's still on board as a producer and has a small cameo) has been reinvented as Piven's first major studio film as a lead.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Staff |
08-14-2009 |
'Bride Wars' is Hellnew
Not only does the movie destroy any sympathy for its two main characters by turning them into evil shrews the minute their weddings are pitted against each other, but it also reduces all women to irrational, wedding-crazy stereotypes, apparently unable to focus on anything beyond superficial, materialistic desires.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
01-08-2009 |
'Nothing Like the Holidays' is Simple, Soapy and Heartwarmingnew
It's surprisingly easy to get sucked into this daytime drama, albeit guiltily and gleefully.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Jeffrey M. Anderson |
12-12-2008 |
'Cadillac Records' is 'Dreamgirls' Litenew
Biopics are by nature formulaic, and music biopics even more so, so it should probably come as no surprise that Cadillac Records, which is essentially several music biopics in one, is all formula, all the time.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
12-04-2008 |
Vampire Romance 'Twilight' Makes an Awkward Leap from Page to Screennew

Stephenie Meyer's dunderheaded brick of a book may be poorly written pap, but it affords its audience a level of pure escapism as alluring as it is unrealistic and unhealthy. Twilight the movie brings all of that crashing down to earth, and inspires only nervous laughter.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
11-20-2008 |
'Bolt' Never Bores, But Never Gets Beyond Mild Amusement Eithernew
It's the kind of solid, middle-of-the-road entertainment that Disney can reliably churn out while audiences await the next exciting achievement from Pixar.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
11-20-2008 |
'Pride and Glory': A Meat-and-Potatoes Thriller with Very Little Meatnew
While Pride benefits from a decent lead performance by the always-dependable Edward Norton, it otherwise plods and lumbers its way through an overly familiar story about corruption and loyalty in law enforcement.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
10-24-2008 |
'Max Payne' Doesn't Get Much Further than the Video Game Didnew
The film goes the way of every other movie based on a video game: It starts with a character, and maybe an idea for a look, but after that, it has nothing.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Jeffrey M. Anderson |
10-17-2008 |
Tags: John Moore, Max Payne
'How to Lose Friends' is an American Film with a British Sensibilitynew

Working from British journalist Toby Young's memoir, director Robert B. Weide layers good, broad, dry jokes onto the bones of a traditional Hollywood plot arc.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Jeffrey M. Anderson |
10-03-2008 |
'Appaloos' is Nothing if Not Laid-Back -- Really Laid-Backnew
The themes throughout are familiar: the bonds between men, the desire for domesticity in the arms of a good woman versus the desire to remain free, most of all the challenge of establishing justice in places where the rule of law is more hope than hard fact. Too bad Harris is content to casually put these ideas on display rather than to put them through their paces.
Las Vegas Weekly |
T.R. Witcher |
10-03-2008 |