AltWeeklies Wire

Popcorn Junkienew

You want Shakespeare? Go to the park, Einstein. Here are six multiplex picks to gloriously disengage your brain.
Seattle Weekly  |  Steve Wiecking  |  05-25-2005  |  Reviews

Back to the Futurenew

The last Star Wars installment succeeds -- mainly by returning us to the first.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  05-18-2005  |  Reviews

The Fair and Balanced Crusadenew

Determined not to cause any historical offense, Ridley Scott creates bland bloodshed in the Holy Land—and a hero to suit.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  05-04-2005  |  Reviews

Lust for Lifenew

An ex-prisoner seeks revenge and love with equal fervor, but freedom has a surprise in store for him. And, yes, squid were harmed during the making of this film.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  04-20-2005  |  Reviews

A World Without Graynew

For purists, this comic-book adaptation is a marvel of hard-boiled fidelity. For outsiders, the bloodshed may be too black-and-white.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  03-30-2005  |  Reviews

The Vampire's Cursenew

Woody Allen gives us two stories for the price of one. Don't we even get half the enjoyment value for our ticket?
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  03-23-2005  |  Reviews

Not-So-Foreign Exchangenew

Millions, an English import, makes charming use of a child's universal perspective.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  03-16-2005  |  Reviews

A Rap on Warnew

Gunner Palace, a new documentary, beholds U.S. soldiers in Iraq. It's TV's M*A*S*H. It's also Apocalypse Now.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  03-09-2005  |  Reviews

Showdown on the (Global) Village Squarenew

The Cannes Film Festival smash hit Moolaadé is about female genital mutilation, a stupid, wicked custom practiced in most African nations, but it's not really an issue film. If you shy away from seeing it because you expect to be bored or lectured to, you're a fool. And don't fear, as I did, that the grisly subject will prove too upsetting to witness—legendary Senegalese director Ousmane Sembene skillfully conveys the horror without visual overkill.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  02-16-2005  |  Reviews

Open Widenew

A fascinating documentary about the landmark porn film Deep Throat is restrainedly thoughtful even in its hardest-core footage, and bursting with lively personalities.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  02-10-2005  |  Reviews

Split Decisionnew

Clint Eastwood's boxing melodrama doesn't quite live up to its awards-season accolades. But Hilary Swank's effort is a steely knockout.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  01-05-2005  |  Reviews

Top 10 List Recognizes Good Storytellingnew

Truth turned out to be less compelling than pure inventiveness in 2004, which explains the critic's No. 1 choice, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  01-03-2005  |  Reviews

The Phantom Menacenew

Joel Schumacher mucks up Andrew Lloyd Webber. Only his phans will be shocked and disappointed.
Seattle Weekly  |  Steve Wiecking  |  12-22-2004  |  Reviews

Murder and Masksnew

Almodovar takes a plunge into film noir, where false identities mean more than the criminal truth.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  12-22-2004  |  Reviews


De Niro, Stiller, and company stoop to conquer in this aim-low family clash.
Seattle Weekly  |  Andrew Bonazelli  |  12-22-2004  |  Reviews

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