AltWeeklies Wire

Media Influences Color Experience and Perception of Warnew

Gunner Palace is shaped by not only contemporary documentary conventions, but by fictional war films like Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket, which seem to play continuously in the back of director Michael Tucker's and the soldiers' minds.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Felicia Feaster  |  03-17-2005  |  Reviews

The New Palace Guardnew

Uday Hussein's former pleasure palace is now home to an American artillery regiment, whose members we get to know from their poolside antics to their far more sobering responsibilities of patrolling Baghdad.
Austin Chronicle  |  Kimberley Jones  |  03-16-2005  |  Reviews

A Rap on Warnew

Gunner Palace, a new documentary, beholds U.S. soldiers in Iraq. It's TV's M*A*S*H. It's also Apocalypse Now.
Seattle Weekly  |  Tim Appelo  |  03-09-2005  |  Reviews

Reality Shownew

How Gunner Palace co-director Michael Tucker, a former Army reservist, lived among the troops in Uday Hussein's old digs while they played video games, strummed guitars, improvised raps, and otherwise tried to blow off steam between dangerous patrols through Baghdad.
Seattle Weekly  |  Brian Miller  |  03-09-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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