AltWeeklies Wire

Think Table Talk Pienew

City Paper talks Apple, Ashton Kutcher, and the tiny pie with Jobs folk.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Joe MacLeod  |  08-26-2013  |  Profiles & Interviews

Matthew Porterfield Talks About His Latest Projectnew

The second feature by filmmaker Matthew Porterfield is almost finished, though not the one you may have heard about. Putty Hill is making its world premiere at the Berlinale's International Forum for New Cinema in early February.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  02-02-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

Director Joe Berlinger Talks About 'Crude,' His New Documentarynew

"I wasn't necessarily sure there was a film. It was more like a humanitarian impulse, basically. So I'm as surprised as anyone that the film’s had the life that it’s had. Although, once I got deep into it, obviously I thought there was a feature-length film."
Baltimore City Paper  |  Joe Tropea  |  11-17-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Robert Kenner Talks Cloned Meats, Big Agribusiness and 'Food, Inc.'new

Kenner is no stranger to controversial subjects. He won an Emmy for his 2005 "Two Days in October," which examined the domestic response to the Vietnam War during the turbulent fall of 1967. Kenner runs into a even more volatile subject with his new documentary, Food, Inc., an investigate peek into America's big agribusinesses and meat and poultry industries.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  07-07-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Filmmaking Robinson Brothers Debut Their First Feature, 'China White'new

While Jonathan, now 28, and Rick, now 24, had always loved watching movies and even fooled around with video cameras, the idea of becoming professional filmmakers seemed too daunting for two guys who grew up in East Baltimore. But here they are, prepping for the world premiere of their debut feature.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Lee Gardner  |  06-16-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Filmmaker Looks to Connect with Witnesses to RFK's Funeral Trainnew

In June 1968, a train bearing the body of Robert F. Kennedy traveled from New York to Washington. Now Jon Blair is making a documentary about the myriad people who spontaneously lined the tracks along its route.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  05-19-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Gil Kenan Practically Created an Entire Physical Realm for 'City of Ember'new

It's a worthy heir to other visually memorable fantasies like City of Lost Children, Brazil, and Tron -- but will Kenan be happy if his movie is only beloved by a core group of art-direction fanatics?
Baltimore City Paper  |  Violet Glaze  |  10-14-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Director Marc Abraham Approaches Something Almost Universal in 'Flash of Genius'new

Tall and lean, Abraham's comfortably casual attire--sneakers, jeans, a white T-shirt, and a dark sport coat--belies both his early years as a sports reporter and his nearly 20 years as veteran movie producer, his diverse resume including work on 1991's The Commitments and 2006's Children of Men.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Bret McCabe  |  10-07-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Kelley Baker Channels His Rage Into His Moviesnew

Baker has made a career of complaining. But his chief gripe is that, while making a movie is easier than ever before--just find a digital-video camera, a boom mic, and some friends--the only way to get that movie seen is through a system of festivals and studios that only bet on sure things and big names.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Aaron Mesh  |  09-09-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Philadelphia's Peter Rose Remaps Urban Topography in His Experimental Filmsnew

He started making films in 1965, an era when experimental filmmakers sought to escape the confines of narrative and expectations of aesthetic beauty through making work that returned ceaselessly to the basic questions of the medium.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Martin L. Johnson  |  09-09-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Woody Allen Muses Over the Women in His Moviesnew

Woody Allen has had nothing but complicated relationships with the women in his life, and while he's still getting along swimmingly with latest muse, Scarlett Johansson, history says that, like all good things, this, too, must come to an end.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Cole Haddon  |  08-19-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

African-American Male Exotic Dancers Protect Their Rights in 'Don't Hate'new

The documentary patiently deconstructs the myth of adult entertainment as the last refuge of the unemployed and anti-social through the story of Jim Bell's fight against one Maryland county legislature's attempts to outlaw the traditional etiquette for tipping an exotic dancer.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Violet Glaze  |  06-03-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Out and Proud Neil Patrick Harris Loves Playing Comedy's Favorite Pussy Houndnew

The result of Harris' willingness to poke a little fun at himself is a new Cult of NPH, with T-shirts and even a (New Line-run) What Would NPH Do? web site that Harris says confuses him more than flatters him--though he admits, with a smirk, to visiting it more than he probably should.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Cole Haddon  |  04-29-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Back Door Draftnew

Nearly a decade after Boys Don't Cry, writer/director Kimberly Peirce returns with another disquietly American story.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Cole Hadden  |  04-01-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

In the Hacknew

Filmmaker Bernard Threatt flags down "illegal" rides -- with his camera in tow.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Robbie Whelan  |  03-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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