AltWeeklies Wire

A Reporter Finds Getting to Cuba Easier Than Getting Outnew

Officials on the U.S. side were polite but firm when my family returned to Vermont from a two-week visit to Cuba. They ripped apart a red Che Guevara T-shirt Iā€™d bought for my daughter. And they sliced up the two necklaces ā€” total value $2 ā€” that Liam had bought on a beach.
Seven Days  |  Kevin J. Kelley  |  01-29-2010  |  International

Vermonters Sue U.S. Over Travel to Cubanew

"No other country gets this sort of treatment," said Jared Carter, a second-year student at Vermont Law School. "Prisoners in jail who committed mass murder have more access to their family members than we do."
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  03-07-2008  |  International

Peace Warriornew

Author Elie Wiesel discusses the genocide in Sudan and his opposition to the war in Iraq.
Seven Days  |  Kevin J. Kelley  |  04-18-2007  |  International

Pressure Chambersnew

Visiting judges testify to the dangers of being a woman on the bench in Afghanistan.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  01-25-2007  |  International

Guardsman's Medical-Relief Fundnew

Physician's assistant Jeremy Orr went to Iraq with the Vermont National Guard in 2005 -- now he's spearheading an international relief effort to provide medical assistance to Iraqi children.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  12-06-2006  |  International

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