AltWeeklies Wire

Shirt Shriftnew

Employee alleges he was fired for wearing a T-shirt supporting same-sex marriage.
Nashville Scene  |  Adam Gold  |  01-24-2013  |  Civil Liberties

Search & Destroynew

The SOPA bill may be dry-docked, but the battle over online piracy rages.
Nashville Scene  |  Jonathan Meador  |  03-12-2012  |  Civil Liberties

Tennessee's Religious Right Draws a Bead on Doctor-Patient Confidentiality for Teensnew

Conservative Christians have found a new cause celebre in the state legislature: Denying teens the right to doctor-patient confidentiality.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  05-22-2009  |  Civil Liberties

Evangelicals Get Worked Up Over Microchipsnew

After losing the usual fights against gays and abortion during the legislative session so far, Christian conservatives suddenly have decided to start standing up for privacy rights in an urgent, new movement to ensure that you will never be forced to have a microchip implanted under your skin.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  03-21-2008  |  Civil Liberties

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