AltWeeklies Wire

Shirting the Issuenew

Boston mayor Tom Menino wants to bolster the cops' campaign against violent crime by stopping the sale of "Stop Snitching" T-shirts.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey A. Silverglate  |  12-08-2005  |  Civil Liberties

Jerry Falwell's War on the ACLUnew

Upon the opening of Falwell's Liberty University, the Phoenix notes his aim of training "conservative warriors" to fight "important battles against anti-religious zealots.
Boston Phoenix  |  David Bernstein  |  08-26-2004  |  Civil Liberties

Dissent-Chilling Tactics Could Affect Summer's Anti-War Protestsnew

Ever since the 1999 Seattle WTO protests, law-enforcement officials have been perfecting a strategy to defang demonstrators, and they're likely to apply it at this year's Democratic and Republican National Conventions.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steve Stycos  |  08-07-2004  |  Civil Liberties

Government's Assurances of Humane Treatment Can't Be Trustednew

Just last month, the Supreme Court heard three cases concerning the rights of "enemy combatants" being held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and in U.S. Naval brigs off the American coast. One issue at stake is whether the government -- specifically President Bush -- should be trusted to handle prisoners in an appropriate manner.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey A. Silverglate and Carl Takei  |  08-07-2004  |  Civil Liberties

Student's Protest of Torture Brings Two Felony Chargesnew

A Boston College student was arrested for standing in front of a military recruitment office impersonating an abused Iraqi prisoner.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  08-07-2004  |  Civil Liberties

The Supreme Court Shines Some Light into the Bush's Gulagnew

The enemy within: in a trio of cases, the Supreme Court shines some light into the Bush administration’s gulag. But for "enemy combatants" both here and in Guantánamo, it’s not yet time to celebrate.
Boston Phoenix  |  Harvey Silverglate  |  07-08-2004  |  Civil Liberties

The 2004 Muzzle Awards: 10 People and Institutions That Undermined Free Speechnew

The Phoenix's annual Independence Day round-up of free-speech enemies. (Contains New England examples.) Plus a 700-word runners-up sidebar.
Boston Phoenix  |  Dan Kennedy  |  07-01-2004  |  Civil Liberties

Charges Dropped against Student Protesting Torturenew

Charges were dismissed against a Boston College student who was arrested after he protested at a military recruitment center by dressing up like the victim in a famous Abu Ghraib torture photo. This story is a follow-up to "If Only He’d Put Women’s Underwear on His Head Instead ..."
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  06-10-2004  |  Civil Liberties

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