AltWeeklies Wire

How Many Cops are Enough?new

Bottom line on Summer Safety Initiative: budget cuts mean more dead bodies
NOW Magazine  |  ENZO DI MATTEO  |  09-25-2012  |  Crime & Justice

10 Reasons Canada Needs a National Handgun Bannew

Handguns are blasting a hole in our national fabric, snuffing out young lives and costing billions in health care every year. And it's not just a gang thing.
NOW Magazine  |  Enzo Di Matteo  |  09-22-2008  |  Crime & Justice

No Right to Remain Silent in Canadanew

Supreme Court gives cops the power to ignore your right to keep your mouth shut.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  11-26-2007  |  Crime & Justice

The Paris Hilton Effectnew

We should consider jailing more celebs if we want to develop sound justice policies.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  07-13-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Cops Go to Elaborate Lengths for Confessions ... Even Bogus Onesnew

In theory, the technique of cops posing as criminals to secure a confession is a sensible and rational approach to solving a crime -- but as the theatrical scenarios become more clever and elaborate, the risks of wrongful conviction are magnified.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  02-23-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Why They Lienew

Unless we take a serious look at interrogation practices, we'll continue to run risk of false confessions.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  09-01-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Fear Factornew

A RCMP report proposes curbing dread by limiting flow of crime info -- but selective silence is never a solution.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  08-18-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Angels No Godsendnew

The red-bereted posse of Guardian Angels are more hype than help in Toronto.
NOW Magazine  |  Paul Terefenko  |  07-20-2006  |  Crime & Justice

How Much Time is Enough?new

With no real guidance to judges, sentencing might as well involve a magic wand.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  06-29-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Terror In the Detailsnew

It's horrifying to think that homegrown terrorists would plot to bomb targets here in Toronto -- but if you read between the lines of the police version and the media's presentation of events, questions abound.
NOW Magazine  |  Staff  |  06-08-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Sleepwalking Out of Jailnew

In Canada, somnambulists found guilty are sent to bed; elsewhere they end up in psychiatric wards.
NOW Magazine  |  Alan Young  |  04-14-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Canada Feeds Prince of Pot to Yanksnew

Shockingly, Canadian feds are turning Marc Emery, the Prince of Pot, over to the the U.S. when Canada's own courts won't convict him.
NOW Magazine  |  Matt Mernagh  |  08-08-2005  |  Crime & Justice

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