AltWeeklies Wire
Leave Bobby Jindal Alone!new
Video: Who is this guy? We'd rather not say. But we feel his pain. We really do.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
02-27-2009 |
Election '08: It's Obama!new

Jubilant crowds across the nation celebrated the historic moment, which brought eight years of the Republican rule of George W. Bush to an end. "A new dawn of American leadership is at hand," Obama said.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
11-05-2008 |
The Real October Surprisenew
As the country struggles with a confidence-shaking economic meltdown, unfinished and bloody business in Iraq and Afghanistan, and soaring energy costs, we can only hope that the candidates will move past the current ugliness and get back to the real issues soon. Now that would be a real October surprise.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
10-10-2008 |
Dog Days Reading Listnew
Niagara Falls this summer? Rome, Paris, Florence? Don't get stranded at O'Hare with the proper reading material. Includes review of Our Dumb World: Atlas of the Planet Earth, Inventing Niagara: Beauty, Power, and Lies, Dear American Airlines, and more.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
08-01-2008 |
Subverting Dr. Kingnew
Has it really been 40 years since the death and martyrdom of Dr. Martin Luther King on that shattering April evening here in Memphis?
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
04-04-2008 |
Memphis at SXSWnew
Memphis musicians have been a growing presence at Austin's annual South by Southwest Music Festival, but the Memphis presence at SXSW will be bigger than ever.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
03-07-2008 |
Tags: concerts
Keep It Goingnew
The fact is that the longer a presidential campaign goes, the better. The ordeal is what separates the real deal from the imposter.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
02-15-2008 |
Salvaging MLK's Legacynew
The spat between the competing Democratic camps of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama has managed to bring Dr. King's legacy itself into controversy.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
01-18-2008 |
Race & Class
The Year in Memphis Musicnew
Sophomore discs from Amy LaVere and Harlan T. Bobo and a "career" retrospective from Ross Johnson were among the local highlights of 2007.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
12-28-2007 |
What's new in books? Coward in letters and Borat in the U.S. and A.; plus a latke on the run, Cleopatra's nose, and the conscience of a liberal.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
11-30-2007 |
Mississippi Pardons Johnny Cashnew
Johnny Cash spent a night incarcerated in the Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, jail in 1965. That event inspired his song "Starkville City Jail."
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
09-14-2007 |
Tags: Johnny Cash
Memphis Woman Uses Infant To Pull Robberiesnew
Kids! They do the darndest things.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
07-16-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Memphis Flyer's Summer 2007 Booklistnew
Hillary Clinton: the right stuff? Welcome to the "terrordome" and Laurel Canyon. Baby boomers must die. Palahniuk's Rant and vacations from hell.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
07-06-2007 |
Memphis: Summer in the Citynew
Summer songs provide the beat for the Flyer's annual Summer Issue.
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
06-22-2007 |
Caution: Graceland May Be Hazardous to Your Healthnew
Newsweek issues a 'duh.'
The Memphis Flyer |
Staff |
06-22-2007 |
Tags: travel