AltWeeklies Wire
What’s a Little Hate Among Friends?new

Gov. Rick Perry is promoting a prayer assembly on Aug. 6 at Reliant Stadium in Houston. How commendable! And pious! Just tell Static where to kneel! After all, Perry asked everybody to pray for rain during this summer’s wildfires and, well, you’re not on fire, are you?
Fort Worth Weekly |
Staff |
07-13-2011 |
Outlawing Cracknew
Cities around the country are trying to make it a crime to wear pants in the popular hip-hop style, and Dallas is the latest to sniff the wind, so to speak.
Fort Worth Weekly |
Staff |
11-01-2007 |
Tags: humor & satire
One of the year's best and strangest movies.
Fort Worth Weekly |
Staff |
07-12-2007 |
Tags: Paprika, Satoshi Kon