AltWeeklies Wire
Election '08: Backwards Bizarro Landnew
Welcome to Bizarro World, where the single-mother-raised working-class black guy is decried as an "elitist," while the lock-step well-branded military man is a "maverick."
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
11-03-2008 |
Spacesuits the Perfect Getup for Fouled Planetnew
Why does everyone keep spewing all that desperate doom-think about air quality and global warming into the atmosphere when an already existing technology that could alleviate the problem is staring us in the face?
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
07-20-2007 |
Tags: environment
Saddam Leaves Me Hangingnew
As much as I opposed and detested George Bush's war in Iraq, the silver lining for me was always going to be my secret pleasure at the execution of Saddam -- until it actually happened.
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
01-19-2007 |
Putting Sex Back in Xmasnew
Forget virgin births -- it's time for a return to the Roman orgy fest.
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
12-22-2006 |
Inspiration in Iraqnew
This book is a testament to and inspiration for those who seek to revive and rejuvenate a human spirit battered by shock and awe, attrition and insanity.
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
12-18-2006 |
Tags: Don't Shoot the Clowns, Jo Wilding
Four More Yearsnew
Bill Maher, TV's loose cannon blasts the evangelicals but still values U.S. freedoms
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
11-11-2004 |
The Flipside of Bushnew
George Bush got a lot of mileage labelling John Kerry a flip-flopper. But the prez has a long history of taking on big tasks, flopping utterly and then somehow flipping those flops to his greatest advantage. So let it be said: Bush is a flop-flipper, one of the best of all time.
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
10-08-2004 |
What the Pope Meantnew
When Pope dissed same-sex marriage, was he calling for new positions?
NOW Magazine |
Robert Priest |
09-22-2004 |