AltWeeklies Wire
Scooting Out of a Criminal Recordnew
20-plus pardons by Gov. Daniels thus far.
Laura McPhee |
07-12-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Toxic Indianapolisnew
Our city's air pollution problems are disproportionately harming our economy, our health and our natural environment -- they are also a direct result of competing political agendas and interests between state and city governments, as well as our own bad habits.
Laura McPhee |
06-29-2007 |
Tags: environment
Hate Crimes in Indiananew
Recent brutality renews legislative controversy.
Laura McPhee |
06-22-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Pollution, Politics and Profitsnew

Coal makes a comeback.
Laura McPhee |
12-07-2006 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
The Dirty Truth About Clean Coalnew
Clean coal is, perhaps, an oxymoron in more ways than one.
Laura McPhee |
08-31-2006 |
Tags: environment
Factory Farmsnew
Factory farms pollute the air and water supplies, endanger human and animal health and drive responsible family farms out of business -- Indiana's factory farming future could not only be devastating, but deadly as well.
Laura McPhee |
08-24-2006 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Indiana: 'The Middle East of Biofuels'new
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has announced a strategic energy plan that aims to replace imported energy sources with homegrown fuels.
Tags: Health & Science
False and Misleadingnew
A new report shows most federally-funded crisis pregnancy centers provided false or misleading information about the health effects of abortion.
Smart Girls Do It Betternew
There is little difference between men and women when it comes to sexual practice, yet Indiana lawmakers continue to live in some imaginary past where good girls got married, had sex and had babies, in that order.
Indiana Approves 'Choose Life'new
Christian anti-abortion centers will receive funds from new license plates.
Liberty and Justice for Somenew
Gay pride and prejudice remain in the forefront almost 40 years after Stonewall.
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Going Greennew
Indiana governor Mitch Daniels’ efforts to push the state toward bio fuel technology and use has both environmental and economic consequences.
Laura McPhee |
04-14-2006 |
Sexual Miseducationnew
The majority of sex education classes in Indiana's public middle and high schools are leaving out vital topics, according to a new study.
Tags: Education
Whistleblower Thought She Did the Right Thing … and Got Fired
Despite federal and state whistleblower laws, Cheryl Vara believes she was fired from Menards in Carmel, Ind., last April for refusing the request of a supervisor to falsify documents and for contacting OSHA after a serious accident left an elderly co-worker nearly paralyzed.
Laura McPhee |
12-17-2004 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor