AltWeeklies Wire

Asperger's Advocacy Groups Just Can't Get Alongnew

Two different Massachusetts groups that want to raise awareness about Asperger's syndrome, a disorder characterized by chronic social awkwardness, are backing two different bills, promoted by two different legislators, that would do almost exactly the same thing.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  10-11-2007  |  Science

Pro-Casino Arguments Ain't Nothing but a Mathqueradenew

Outside of Dr. Clyde Barrow's papers and studies that casinos have funded, hard numbers for casinos' economic benefits, by and large, don't exist -- and if it's problematic that Gov. Deval Patrick built a major policy decision on one man's research, it's doubly so that that research comes with a warning from the governor's own staff.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel and Paul McMorrow  |  09-27-2007  |  Policy Issues

Silly Fetishists, Sex Isn't for Feetnew

An incident in Cambridge last month illuminates the fact that Massachusetts law makes it nearly impossible for anyone without vanilla sexual tastes to commit sexual assault.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  09-20-2007  |  Sex

Gay Marriage Scorecard: Winners & Losersnew

Last week's Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, which killed the Protection of Marriage Amendment and enshrined gay marriage until at least 2012, changes everything.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel and Paul McMorrow  |  06-21-2007  |  LGBT

Gentrification Hits a Glut in Bostonnew

The South Boston neighborhood's mammoth new million-dollar condos are disconcertingly empty, while other projects in the area have been stalled for months.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  05-31-2007  |  Housing & Development

Flirting with Solarnew

What does it take to get into bed with renewable energy's biggest tease?
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  05-10-2007  |  Environment

Emo for Jesusnew

How emerging Christians will bring Boston back to God.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  04-04-2007  |  Religion

Barbers Are Red Over Blue Lawsnew

A working stiff now has to endure his razor-stropping without State Street Barbers' complimentary bottle of beer, because the Commonwealth's Board of Registration of Barbers has just put the kibosh on barbershop alcohol.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  03-14-2007  |  Policy Issues

A Big, Fat Gamblenew

As Massachusetts considers allowing its citizens to become trembling slot zombies, we debunk casino gambling's big promises.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  02-22-2007  |  Policy Issues


Broke and out of work, two Harvard-educated actors tackle the tutoring racket.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  06-15-2005  |  Education

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