AltWeeklies Wire

Why March?new

A life-long antiwar protester weighs the options.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  03-30-2007  |  Commentary

Ellen Willis, 1942-2006new

The former Village Voice editor called herself a democratic socialist and a feminist, but at heart, she was a utopian.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  11-24-2006  |  Commentary

Standing Membernew

Get it right -- Mark Foley is a sexual harasser, not a child molester.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  10-25-2006  |  Commentary

Family Trade Centernew

The feelings we are encouraged -- even permitted -- to have about 9/11 are private.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  09-28-2006  |  Commentary

Newborn Tragediesnew

There is no question that abortion restrictions hurt women.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  08-31-2006  |  Commentary

Doing Justicenew

Bernard Bara's case could fill a textbook for a course called Kangaroo Court 101 -- but he is finally free.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  08-02-2006  |  Crime & Justice

God on Their Side?new

A small town police department's Christian chaplain corps raises questions about the separation of church and state.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  06-08-2006  |  Religion

Basic Instinctnew

Let's take Mother's Day back to its feminist, pacifist roots.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  05-11-2006  |  Commentary


A year without shopping transformed me from consumer to citizen.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  04-26-2006  |  Commentary

Naming Namesnew

One small-town Vermont newspaper editor remembers the fallen in the Iraq War.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  04-26-2006  |  Media

No Room at the Innnew

As Vermont prepares to close its state mental hospital, one small town reacts to the prospect of putting patients in a former B&B.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  02-21-2006  |  Commentary

Wrongful Commitmentnew

Tougher sex-offender laws will not make communities safer -- indeed, it could make them more dangerous.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  01-31-2006  |  Commentary

Poli Psy: Burning Compassionnew

The coordinated, community response to a fire in rural Vermont leads the author to examine the role of emotion in policy making.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  12-15-2005  |  Commentary

Poli Psy: A Sorry Messnew

Will Republicans ever apologize for their mistakes? Inspired by Yom Kippur, the author makes a case for atonement.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  11-17-2005  |  Commentary

Poli Psy: Body Politicnew

The author argues for taking it to the streets -- versus cyber-activism -- en route to the peace march in Washington, D.C.
Seven Days  |  Judith Levine  |  10-12-2005  |  Commentary

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