AltWeeklies Wire

The Makers: A Photographic Look at Master Craftsmennew

Born from flame-belching furnaces and hammered into shape, Charleston's architectural future is being forged from the past. A new generation is carrying on the ancient arts of blacksmithing, wood carving, and glassmaking.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  05-16-2012  |  Art

Sucking Chrome: Google's Latest Browser Steals the Best and Ignores the Restnew

Yeah, it looks neat and works pretty damn quick. But, so what? You might be surprised by my recommendation about what to use it for, but let's take a look anyway.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  09-17-2008  |  Tech

Cookie Caper: Secure Browsing Flaw Reveals a Nasty Exploitnew

I was crushed to see the Cookie Monster has been dabbling in "grey hat" SSL exploit hacking. The gleefully delusional crumb muncher is the mascot of a new cookie-snatching hack that can collect your login info on Gmail, Netflix, or even your bank. Well, he's not real, but the danger is.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  09-03-2008  |  Tech

Where-Fi?: An underground scouting report on Lowcountry wi-fi hotspotsnew

How to find the best places to leech wi-fi.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  08-13-2008  |  Tech

Inside the Murky Legal World of Cyber-Snoopingnew

Law enforcement agencies have a number of legal tools at their disposal, recently broadened with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act amendment bill that lets telecoms off the hook. They have made so many requests of Comcast, in fact, that last year the company decided to distribute a document called Comcast Cable Law Enforcement Handbook, which details how the fuzz can get your stuff.
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  06-25-2008  |  Tech

Tech Advice for Dissident Bloggersnew

Blogging is free speech's last frontier against government suppression. It's cheap (free), accessible (easy), and worldwide in seconds (bitchin!). Governments in need of control over information know this -- and they're pissed. So how do you get the word out?
Charleston City Paper  |  Joshua Curry  |  04-23-2008  |  Tech

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