AltWeeklies Wire
Traditional America? It's

While Obama and his supporters celebrate his surprisingly comfortable win, the reality of governing amid undiminished acrimony will soon rear its head.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
11-14-2012 |
Life, death, and the consequences of executive decisionsnew

You might think we don't have ideal or even good choices. But that doesn't mean we lack clear ones.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
10-15-2012 |
Tags: decision-making
Mitt Romney's Contortion of the Truthnew
Three falsehoods merit particular scrutiny in illustrating that Team Romney isn't merely fudging the truth but is, instead, engaged in blatant fabrication as a central campaign strategy.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
09-12-2012 |
GOP governors' criticism of Medicaid expansion is unfoundednew
Medicaid expansion will produce a massive increase in coverage for the vulnerable people who are the program's main beneficiaries, including children, the disabled, the poor and the elderly.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
08-08-2012 |
Tags: Medicaid
Straight talk on Obamacarenew

What will -- and won't -- happen under health care reform.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
07-16-2012 |
Policy Issues
Drone warfare: politically expedient and disturbingly inaccuratenew

Roughly 50 deadly strikes using drones occurred during George W. Bush's eight years in office. By contrast, in the three-plus years of the Obama presidency, there have been close to 300, and those strikes have killed as many as 3,000 people.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
05-12-2012 |
Tags: Drones
The Devious, Dishonest Strategy of the National Organization for Marriagenew

One NOM memo outlined a "strategic goal ... to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies."
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
04-13-2012 |
The Iowa Caucuses: A Depressing Spectaclenew

As the caucuses wrap up, and regardless of who wins tonight, the identity of the eventual nominee seems clear.
Why Some Iowans Love Ron Paulnew

What Paul has that Gingrich and Romney don't: the ability to "educate" his supporters.
In Iowa, Populist Candidates Court Middle Classnew
Democratic and Republican candidates are delivering a populist message. Why? The obvious explanation is the growing squeeze on the middle class and concentrations of wealth and attendant levels of inequality not seen since the early years of the 20th century, when populism last was a major force in American politics.