AltWeeklies Wire

Dooney da Priest's Fight Against Sagging Won't Worknew

Commissioned by Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway, Dooney's "Pull Your Pants Up" is a four-minute plea to "urban" youths, who favor the long-popular style of dropped drawers, to get some jeans that fit, for chrissakes.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  11-12-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Funky Big J Rocks the Partynew

The Clever Monkeys' Big J brings a new spin to hip-hop in Dallas.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  10-29-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Ghosthustler Resurrects '80s Synth Beatsnew

Ghosthustler does not have a publicist, a website, a label or even a record. What they do have is attitude, luck, the internet, one hell of a video and one hell of a song.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  10-15-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Hard Choices at Austin City Limitsnew

The organizers of this year's festival generally did an excellent job, dealing with headliner cancellations, fires and dehydrated sorority girls, but they really gave us a doozy of a decision to make on Friday afternoon: M.I.A. or LCD Soundsystem?
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  09-25-2007  |  Concerts

Dallas Struggles with the Bizarre Death of Carter Albrechtnew

Member of Texas-based Sorta, Albrecht's death was sudden, and it wasn't pretty.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  09-10-2007  |  Music

The Polyphonic Spree: Armed and Readynew

Tim DeLaughter and company do battle at the Granada in their hometown.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  07-02-2007  |  Concerts

On Rock Reunions & Nostalgia Concertsnew

Somehow the Police's reunion has coincided with rock reunions of all types, and this is not a good thing.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  06-04-2007  |  Music

White Drugs Makes Iggy Pop Seem Like a Folk Singernew

Listening to Harlem, it's easy to envision an intense live show, the stage covered in beer and saliva and maybe blood.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  05-29-2007  |  Reviews

It's a Badu World ... the Rest of Us Just Live In Itnew

Erykah Badu's new project, the Cannabinoids, is a collection of 10 other musicians intended to "put some fire up under the ass of hip-hop in Dallas."
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  05-08-2007  |  Music

Laptops Change the Way We View Music.

In an environment where even audience response is calculated by a computer and the music -- and don't get me wrong, it is music -- is made solely of ones and zeroes, what does the visual matter?
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  04-24-2007  |  Music

Two Peas in an Experimental Podnew

With Explosions in the Sky and the Paper Chase, the song doesn't remain the same.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  04-09-2007  |  Concerts

Doing the Interview Dance with Sandra Bernhardnew

It's tough to crack the Bernhard mystique in 15 minutes.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  03-13-2007  |  Performance

The Song Remains the Samenew

Yesterday's concept is today's nu-metal (with endnotes).
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  02-06-2007  |  Music

Unclear on the Conceptnew

Prog rock lives on -- like a zombie.
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  01-23-2007  |  Music

The King and Inew

Grown men dressed in spandex: What does it all mean?
Dallas Observer  |  Jonanna Widner  |  01-17-2007  |  Music

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