AltWeeklies Wire
The Orlando Sentinel Quietly Hacks Its Newsroom Staffnew
The disassembling of this city's once- proud daily newspaper, as foreshadowed almost a year ago when its parent company was taken over by a multimillionaire businessman with zero media experience, is now in full force, although the paper's powers that be would rather you didn't know about it -- at least not yet.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
07-24-2008 |
Happytown: How Bad Are Things at the Orlando Sentinel These Days?new
We'll let an unnamed Sentinel staffer answer that one: "Apparently the depressing, winnowing months we've been through recently may soon be know[n] as 'the good ol' days.'"
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman, Billy Manes and Deanna Morey |
06-12-2008 |
Happytown: It'll be a Gender-Bending Weeknew
This year's Gay Days fest brings a welcome new addition -- Focus on the Family -- known best for its spittle-flecked morality rants -- is putting on its Love Won Out conference June 7, the very same day many a gay will be using a red T-shirt to "wipe one off"! The synergy is thrilling!
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman and Billy Manes |
06-05-2008 |
Happytown Goes to an Obama Town Hall Meetingnew
Because we are good journalists committed to bringing you the news in an evenhanded manner, the Happytown™ Mobile Election Center yes-we-can–ed our way down South Orange Blossom Trail all the way to the Kissimmee Civic Center to cover Sen. Barack Obama's May 21 town hall meeting.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman, Billy Manes and Deanna Morey |
05-29-2008 |
The Election That Won't Dienew
AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Bogus Outrage and Reagan Ain't Goodnew
AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Be Afraid. Be Very
Three weeks of local TV news demonstrates one thing: you are in grave danger.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
09-20-2007 |
Tags: media
Filth or Free Speech?new
Feces porn brings the feds to Orlando -- welcome to Bush's war on obscenity.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
09-29-2006 |
Tags: media
The Most Depraved Site on the Internetnew
Chris Wilson, the Florida man who runs a website that trades access to porn for gory shots of war dead, is enjoying his 15 minutes of fame.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
09-29-2005 |
Tags: media
Bogus Outragenew
Why the New York Times is wrong (again) about Florida cops intimidating black voters in Orlando
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
08-25-2004 |