AltWeeklies Wire

Nikki Haley Looks Like a "No" on Newt Endorsementnew

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has been excitedly interviewing prospective presidential candidates as she looks for the suitor best-positioned to receive her prized endorsement. She even took a call from Trump.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  05-17-2011  |  Elections

No Winners in Amazon Fiasconew

The botched deal to bring an Amazon distribution center to Lexington had nothing to do with what everyone thought it did: whether or not the company had to charge a sales tax to Palmetto State customers.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  05-04-2011  |  Business & Labor

Pawlenty Wants Nikki Haley's votenew

With her endorsement very much in play, Gov. Nikki Haley recently told The Associated Press what she was looking for from her potential GOP primary dates. Specifically, she wants a little help challenging the pro-union forces who want to scuttle Boeing's major Dreamliner facility here in Charleston. Actually, she wants a lot of help.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-29-2011  |  Politics

Is It Time for Charleston's Mayor to Go?new

Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. says this will be his last term if he's re-elected. But who can believe him?
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-27-2011  |  Elections

Presidential Candidate Fred Karger Coming to Charlestonnew

Local Log Cabin Republicans are hosting a reception for Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-21-2011  |  LGBT

Charleston Turns a Corner in Bike-Friendly Pushnew

The Chapel and John street bike lanes were a recognizable stumble out of the gate. But city leaders and grassroots supporters aren't ready to give up the asphalt just yet. They remain undeterred in the race to safely improve bike access and reshape the way we see Charleston's roads.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-20-2011  |  Policy Issues

Charleston Blotter: Door-to-door Sales Struggle and a Bar that 'Looks Like a Bar'new

BLOTTER O' THE WEEK: Police responded to a neighborhood twice recently regarding a group of door-to-door salesmen without a business license. Officers found one young woman mid-pitch, but she wasn't quite ready to go. "I am in the middle of a sale and will leave when I am done," she said. The woman then began yelling and cussing at the officer while he escorted her off the property. With that kind of forcefulness, we're just glad she isn't the spray girl at the perfume counter.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-20-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Early Details on Charleston's Pride 2011new

The 2011 Charleston Pride Festival will return to Park Circle and North Charleston's Riverfront Park with three days of events, capped off by a Pride parade, rally, and after-party on May 14.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-20-2011  |  LGBT

South Carolina Redistricting Will Marginalize African-Americansnew

One of the running themes of the 2010 Census is that African Americans are moving back to the South, and while conventional wisdom would suggest that things are improving for minorities in the old Confederacy, the realities in South Carolina and the City of Charleston tell a different story.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-19-2011  |  Policy Issues

Takeover Charleston Turns Onenew

Takeover Charleston, the popular roaming happy hour event, is turning one.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-15-2011  |  LGBT

Charleston Pride is Back with Prom Night Fundraisernew

Lots to update you on this week in the gay community. First, Charleston Pride is back with three days of events leading up to the May 14 pride parade, rally, and after party.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-15-2011  |  LGBT

Senate Leader Agrees to Lindsey Graham's Hostage Demandsnew

From an early age, we were taught not to give in to the demands of hostage takers. But that, apparently, is not how it works in the U.S. Senate.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-15-2011  |  Policy Issues

Blotter: Highlights from the City of Charleston Police Reportsnew

BLOTTER O' THE WEEK: Police were called to a downtown pizza place because there was a drunk patron who wouldn't leave. A witness told police the suspect was trying to drink everyone else's beer and that he appeared "super drunk." The witness said it was a large man "with long blond hair and a beard, kind of like Thor."
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-13-2011  |  Crime & Justice

James Petigru, Charleston's Last Union Soul, Dared to Challenge Confederacynew

He supported the Union, but Petigru had little support for leaders of either republic. As the rest of Charleston ran to watch the spectacle of April 12, Petigru sat alone in his law office. He wrote days later to his sister Jane "that which was threatening a long time has come and the sword is drawn.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-12-2011  |  History

Charleston's Rich Sought Shelter in the North Carolina Mountains During Civil Warnew

More than a few paintings of Charleston during the Civil War show the Holy City's nobility observing the fighting around them. But that wasn't the case for most of Charleston's elite, many of whom spent the war years in Flat Rock, N.C.
Charleston City Paper  |  Greg Hambrick  |  04-12-2011  |  History

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