AltWeeklies Wire

'Growing Op': Weed Killernew

Growing Op might fizzle as comedy, but it does answer the question "Whatever happened to Rosanna Arquette?" The former A-lister, whose charm and acting skills are intact, plays the mother hen in a family involved in growing weed in the burbs.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  11-24-2008  |  Reviews

The Season's Big-screen Scene Stealersnew

A look at Australia, Revolutionary Road, Milk and more.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  09-29-2008  |  Movies

20 Fabulous Toronto Fringe Showsnew

Here, in chronological order, are some of the highlights from nearly two decades of Toronto Fringe-going.
NOW Magazine  |  Jon Kaplan and Glenn Sumi  |  07-07-2008  |  Theater

Persepolis's Reel Revolutionnew

In her graphic novels and now in the film based on her Persepolis books, Marjane Satrapi -- the character -- comes across as one helluva shit disturber. But even those vivid, ink-drawn images can't prepare you for Satrapi in person.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  01-11-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Saint Charlesnew

Decades before Queer As Folk and Will & Grace, there was Charles Nelson Reilly , best known as the fey 70s game show contestant who wore sailor hats, toupées and, along with frequent TV co-star Paul Lynde, perfected the art of campy innuendo for generations of North American viewers.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  11-30-2007  |  Reviews

Geek Chic Sketch Troupe Strikes Comedy Goldnew

To describe Knock Knock. (Who's There?) Comedy! as a sketch troupe that does comedy about comedy suggests their material is full of in jokes and isn't, in the end, funny. That's not true.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  11-30-2007  |  Performance

Inside Noah's Artnew

As with anyone in their late 30s or early 40s, Noah Baumbach's psycho-sexual development owes a lot to the movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  11-26-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Director Bryan Friedman on 'The Bodybuilder and I'new

Friedman's estranged dad, Bill, is a middle-aged bodybuilder who gave up a mansion and partnership in a law firm in order to pose in a bikini.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  11-05-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Laura Linney Specializes in Shades of Greynew

The two-time Oscar nominee and indie scene fave talks about her most savage performance yet.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  09-07-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'The Nanny Diaries': Nanny Know-hownew

Tell-all novel hits the screen but loses some of its bite.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  08-24-2007  |  Reviews

'El Cantante': Muy Stupidonew

The film follows the basic "I love you, I hate you, where's my syringe?" trajectory of most music-and-drugs movies.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  08-20-2007  |  Reviews

John Malkovich: Being Gustav Klimtnew

Whether or not you think actor Malkovich is creepy, you can't deny the guy's talent.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  08-10-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'A Stone's Throw': Eco Disasternew

The film at least looks decent; you can't fake that east coast light -- but the dreadfully earnest script drips with portent.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  08-10-2007  |  Reviews

Silence Golden: Bride Of Silencenew

This enigmatic, languorously drawn-out movie employs a Rashomon-like narrative device.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  07-05-2007  |  Reviews

Divorce, Muslim Stylenew

Fearless director Ibtisam Mara'ana ignores abuse and death threats to fight for an Arab mother's rights in 3 Times Divorced.
NOW Magazine  |  Glenn Sumi  |  04-30-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

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