AltWeeklies Wire

The Rat Patrolnew

From the trailer parks to the sewers, public-health workers are on the job, teaching people to be smarter than rats.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  08-09-2006  |  Environment

The Revolution of Everyday Lifenew

The members of the Emma Goldman Finishing School are trying to live their revolution one day at a time.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  07-05-2006  |  Culture

GOP Goes Sharp Rightnew

A new state party chair has shaken up the way Washington Republicans do business.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  06-14-2006  |  Politics

A Waterfront Brawlnew

E-mails suggest Port of Seattle CEO Mic Dinsmore tried to influence last year's Port Commission election, and some members think he should go.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  05-24-2006  |  Business & Labor

A GOP Debt Goes Awaynew

The Washington state Republican Party has quietly eliminated a huge legal bill from contesting the election of Gov. Christine Gregoire.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  05-03-2006  |  Politics

Pure Doenew

The X frontman talks about harmony, jagged emotions and performance meditation.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  04-05-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

The 60-Day Sprintnew

The Washington state legislature passes measures for gay rights, alternative energy, political reform and better unemployment benefits.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-08-2006  |  Politics

The 'Jewish' Connew

Incarcerated gang members are abusing freedom of religion to get special treatment.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-01-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Sexual Disorientationnew

An upcoming Supreme Court decision on gay marriage could aid opponents of the new, unrelated gay civil-rights law.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  02-08-2006  |  LGBT

A Fraudulent Finishnew

After a decisive loss in court, Republican Dino Rossi ends his 2004 bid for governor of Washington by attacking the judiciary.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  06-08-2005  |  Politics

The Monkey Wrench Trialnew

A Republican lawsuit challenging Washington's 2004 gubernatorial election is on shaky legal ground. But if the GOP prevails in a bid to oust Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire, watch litigation become an option in close races everywhere.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  05-18-2005  |  Politics

Targets of 2006new

At home stumping for and against Social Security reform, U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell and U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert of Washington state show vulnerability as first-termers. And opposing parties are eyeing their seats. But don't write them off.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  04-06-2005  |  Politics

Bioengineered Porknew

Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire wants to spend $350 million on life-sciences research grants. Few are asking what the public gets in return.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-23-2005  |  Politics

To Love, Honor, and Be Gaynew

How Washington state's Supreme Court will decide whether gay marriage is illegal.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  03-02-2005  |  LGBT

Washington State's Revote Revoltnew

Washington Republicans want to toss out the 129-vote hand-recount victory of Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire and hold a whole new election between her and her Nov. 2 opponents, Republican Dino Rossi and Libertarian Ruth Bennett. The idea is as wacky as the Washington electoral system.
Seattle Weekly  |  George Howland Jr.  |  01-12-2005  |  Politics

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