AltWeeklies Wire
Comcast: The Internet Jammernew

The cable giant and BitTorrent are at the forefront of the war over equal access to the internet.
Coca-Cola for Culture Jammersnew

This week, cases of Brawndo ship to an increasingly energy-drink-crazed, obese America. How do its creators feel about propagating the idiocracy?
SF Weekly |
David Downs |
01-02-2008 |
Sean Penn Leads Matt Gonzalez Into the Wildnew

Rumor has it that Penn wants his pal Matt Gonzalez, the former San Francisco Supervisor and Green Party hunk, to take on Gavin Newsom. But Gonzalez is reluctant.
Radiohead's 'In Rainbows' Leads to Digital Goldnew
San Francisco producers, label heads, and distributors say the biggest music story of the year isn't taking place onstage at the Fillmore or in the racks at Amoeba Music this week. It's happening on everyone's computer at
Tags: In Rainbows, Radiohead
Love Like Fire Aims For the Massesnew
Sounding like equal parts Muse and the Cure, Love Like Fire represents San Francisco's pop-obsessed shoegazer aesthetic.
Dark Payola Emergesnew
"Direct licensing" is the new threat to webcasting's meritocracy of music.
Tags: radio
SoundExchange is Pocketing Musician Royaltiesnew
The IRS of digital performance royalties claims it can't find thousands of often-popular artists to pay them their money.
Tags: radio
The Day the Internet Music Diesnew
Web radio stations like SomaFM have launched bands and influenced what mainstream DJs play -- on July 15, they could be gone forever.
Tags: radio
Don't Ask Why?new

Musician Yoni Wolf is moving in a new direction, replacing laptops and turntables with guitar-picking, piano chords, mournful lyrics, and big choruses. Is indie the new hip-hop?
SF Weekly |
David Downs |
11-08-2005 |
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