AltWeeklies Wire
Don't Med on Menew

Will South Carolina choose to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, or won't it?
Columbia Free Times |
Corey Hutchins and Dan Cook |
02-06-2013 |
A Giant Fallsnew
From the European avant-garde to a spot on the cover of The Beatles' Sgt. Peppers album and far-reaching influence on modern electronic music, Karlheinz Stockhausen might not have been a household name, but his influence on 20th century music was wide and enduring.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
12-14-2007 |
Tags: Karlheinz Stockhausen
Media Madnessnew
Burma Strikes Back: Authorities Cull Published Photos in Search for Protesters. Also: RIAA Wins First File-Sharing Jury Trial; Microsoft Scores Rare PR Victory; Gives Lowdown on Your Neighbors.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
10-11-2007 |
Tags: media
Media Madnessnew
The new book Moving a Nation to Care lays out the ongoing cost of war in terms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Also: Judge rules parts of newly revised PATRIOT Act unconstitutional.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
09-12-2007 |
Tags: media
Media Madnessnew
Espresso Book Machine debuts; also, Hillary Clinton and the Murdoch-Dow Jones deal; study confirms importance of online politics.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-09-2007 |
Tags: media
Media Madnessnew

Are Republicans afraid of YouTube? Also: Wasting time online; magazine publishers look to Internet for new readers.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-01-2007 |
Tags: media
Fighting for Privacy
Google snubs the Bush adminstration on its demand for search records.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
01-25-2006 |
Tags: media
Media Madness
As a South Carolina weekly cries arson, Howard Stern makes $220 million and Book of Daniel creates a stir.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
01-11-2006 |
Top 10 Reasons to Care About the Supreme Court
If you're the not the kind of person who typically gets worked up over arcane matters of constitutional law, then you might need a rundown of why the Court matters. Here, in no particular order, are 10 reasons to pay attention.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-19-2005 |
Band Names: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Columbia Free Times looks at noteworthy band names, pondering the meaning of everything from "...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead" to "Widespread Panic."
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook and Kevin Langston |
05-18-2005 |
The Academic's Guide to American Idol
A tongue-in-cheek look at American Idol as it might be seen by academics.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-13-2004 |
Tags: American Idols Live, concerts