AltWeeklies Wire

'Antichrist' is Kinda Like Taking a Pair of Rusty Scissors to Your Lady Placenew

I've been thinking about this film for weeks, slowly turning it over in my head, and while I still haven't fully sussed it out, I do know that Antichrist is visually arresting, relentlessly cruel, and intensely, genuinely interesting.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  10-29-2009  |  Reviews

'Law Abiding Citizen' is the Silliest Episode of 'Law & Order' Evernew

Whoever to combine torture porn with an indictment of our legal system should be chopped limb from limb.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  10-16-2009  |  Reviews

Just What You Wanted on Vacation: Stabbings!new

"Nothing bad ever happens in Hawaii," one touristy character in A Perfect Getaway naively notes.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  08-06-2009  |  Reviews

Brendan Fraser Meets Another Mummy ... and Some Yetisnew

Based on The Mummy franchise alone, it would be real easy to hate Brendan Fraser ... but, damn if the dude isn't totally harmless and likeable.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  07-31-2008  |  Reviews

Darin Strauss's Third Novel Gets Under Readers' Skinsnew

Strauss cleverly constructing a story that burns and festers, leaving you slightly traumatized and utterly invested in the moment.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  06-27-2008  |  Fiction

Edward Docx Could Take a Load Off, Chillaxnew

Pravda (or Self Help, as it is known in the UK) was long-listed for the 2007 Man Booker Prize, and I suppose it's understandable -- it's certainly not the sort of book I like reading, but it's enjoyable enough once you get past its wordy temper tantrums.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  03-27-2008  |  Fiction

Joseph Ferris' Novel Doesn't Live Up to the Hypenew

Make no mistake, Then We Came to the End is not without its merits -- but that's also part of its undoing.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  03-20-2008  |  Fiction

How to Write Memoir (Really)new

Not much in the way of a front-to-cover book, Natalie Goldberg's Old Friend from Far Away is an engaging, practical means to an end.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  02-14-2008  |  Nonfiction

'The Delivery Man': Balls-out Scarynew

Joe McGinniss Jr.'s characters live in the epitome of a moral morass—Las Vegas—but these twentysomething desert rats are searching for a way out. Their efforts make for a fast-paced read, full of scares, gross-outs, and waste.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  02-01-2008  |  Fiction

Ghost Whisperernew

Over Her Dead Body's plot is ludicrous. Thank god for lowered expectations, 'cause this pithy piece of fluff is downright funny.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  02-01-2008  |  Reviews

Increase Your Vocabulary While You Poopnew

A quintessential bathroom reader, Anu Garg (creator of the A.Word.A.Day email newsletter at reports on the travels, tribulations, and histories of more than 300 words, which makes for a semi-interesting squat, but you'll never be taking this book out on the town.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  11-08-2007  |  Nonfiction

NW Film and Video Fest's Fuzzy Dedicationnew

The lineup of the 34th NW Film and Video Festival is a true hodge-podge of filmmaking ranging from stories of baseball and nuclear power plants to famous nudes and zombies, from all regions of the Northwest.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  11-08-2007  |  Movies

The Virgin Queen Gives Cinematic Blue Ballsnew

The courtly bravado of 1998's Elizabeth had a purpose: to show Cate Blanchett tearing up the scenery as she dallied about with the Earl of Leicester and spouted feministic jingo. It was sumptuous, kinda sexy, and complex. Elizabeth: The Golden Age is none of that.
The Portland Mercury  |  Courtney Ferguson  |  10-11-2007  |  Reviews

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