AltWeeklies Wire

A shot in the dark: How Hazelwood ended up losing a government vaccine centernew

Hazelwood residents thought their neighborhood was about to change for the better. On July 1, however, Hazelwood learned that there would be no project. In a press release, UPMC stated that it was dropping the project because of "differences in strategy and government delays."
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  08-01-2011  |  Science

Labor Pains: A Dispute Among Local Union Activists Has Unfolded Behind Closed Doorsnew

The dispute may yet cause headaches for employers as well: Since the split, UNITE HERE and Workers United have collectively filed 39 charges against area employers. Each union complains that employers have failed to recognize it as the workers' representative.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  03-01-2010  |  Business & Labor

Public Displays of Dissensionnew

If you'd just moved to Pittsburgh in the past two weeks, you might think you'd stumbled into a hotbed of civic disobedience. In less than 10 days, local activists have generated headlines -- and a few headaches -- with a series of high-profile protests.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Potter and Chris Young  |  08-04-2009  |  Business & Labor

A Pittsburgh School for Troubled Students Is Making Progressnew

Clayton Academy is in charge of educating the Pittsburgh's most academically and behaviorally challenged 6th- through 12th-grade students. This year, officials say there have been noticeable behavior improvements at the school. When it comes to academics, though, doubts remain.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  04-27-2009  |  Education

New Site Seeks to Turn Bloggers into Citizen Journalistsnew

Old-media journalists are losing jobs everywhere, while new-media journalists often lack the resources and expertise to fill in the gaps. But Ryan Hopkins hopes his effort to combine old and new media will improve local news reporting and create greater government transparency.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  03-16-2009  |  Media

A Conversation with a Ghostbusternew

Shawn Kelly is the 45-year-old founder of the Pittsburgh Paranormal Society, a ghost-hunting group he began in 2006.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  03-17-2008  |  Culture

Rally CAPnew

Pennsylvania governor, advocates looking for support to get healthcare plan into the hands of the uninsured.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  03-17-2008  |  Science

Devra Davis Discusses Carcinogens and Curesnew

In her new book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, the head of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh unveils the ignorance and corruption that have plagued cancer research.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  01-07-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Smoking Hookah Not as Safe as Originally Thoughnew

The World Health Organization says hookah is not a harmless alternative to cigarettes.
Pittsburgh City Paper  |  Chris Young  |  07-09-2007  |  Science

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