AltWeeklies Wire

Sister Actnew

Texas Gov. Rick Perry's little-known sister is a lobbyist for lucrative doctor-owned hospitals.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  10-14-2012  |  Health

Unseated by Republican Redistricting, Five Former Texas Congressmen Cash Innew

An investigation has discovered that the Texans whom Tom DeLay gerrymandered out of Congress have proven even more likely than the average member of Congress to become lobbyists.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  03-12-2009  |  Politics

The DeLay Scandal Turns Sixnew

We catch up with the players from the infamous scandals surrounding the former House majority leader. Although some resulting lawsuits -- and DeLay's shady redistricting -- have not been resolved, they have pulled back the curtains on Texas' 2002 elections.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  11-19-2008  |  Politics

Andrew Wheatnew

AltWeeklies Award - Column-Political
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Saving Speaker Craddicknew

Hometown boys from Midland angle to unseat unruly reps and keep Tom Craddick in the speaker's chair.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  01-22-2008  |  Politics

The Patriot Group's Slow Startnew

Is even Texas becoming a tough business climate for conservative operatives? Or is this lobby and consulting firm motivated by something other than money?
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  06-06-2007  |  Politics

DeLay, Inknew

Whatever the cause, DeLay disappoints readers who hoped the pen would be mightier than the Hammer.
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  05-21-2007  |  Nonfiction

Thin Reednew

Will Abramoff's "Deep Throat" swallow God's mouthpiece?
The Texas Observer  |  Andrew Wheat  |  01-27-2006  |  Politics

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