AltWeeklies Wire
No Right to Remain Silent in Canadanew
Supreme Court gives cops the power to ignore your right to keep your mouth shut.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
11-26-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
The Paris Hilton Effectnew
We should consider jailing more celebs if we want to develop sound justice policies.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
07-13-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Wanted: Tokers in Suitsnew
Time for greying potheads to come out of the closet and back anti-prohibition battle.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
06-11-2007 |
Tags: Drugs
Ill Will Towards the Illnew
The mentally unwell do not commit crimes -- they just trigger the occasional tragedy.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
05-25-2007 |
Danger Zone: Canadian Prostitution Loopholesnew
Why I'm taking on arbitrary laws that allow prostitution while leaving sex workers under daily threat.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
04-06-2007 |
Cops Go to Elaborate Lengths for Confessions ... Even Bogus Onesnew
In theory, the technique of cops posing as criminals to secure a confession is a sensible and rational approach to solving a crime -- but as the theatrical scenarios become more clever and elaborate, the risks of wrongful conviction are magnified.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
02-23-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
No Wild Fantasiesnew
It has been almost a year since the Supreme Court of Canada gave the green light to Montreal swingers to congregate in clubs for mass gropings, but that hasn't made Toronto a swinging city.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
11-28-2006 |
Stoned by Jurynew

Regardless of law, Canadian jurors aren't likely to jail medical weed users.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
11-20-2006 |
Why They Lienew
Unless we take a serious look at interrogation practices, we'll continue to run risk of false confessions.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
09-01-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Fear Factornew
A RCMP report proposes curbing dread by limiting flow of crime info -- but selective silence is never a solution.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
08-18-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
How Much Time is Enough?new
With no real guidance to judges, sentencing might as well involve a magic wand.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
06-29-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Harper's Sweet 16new
The real oddity in Harper's agenda for criminal justice reform is his proposal to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
05-04-2006 |
Sleepwalking Out of Jailnew
In Canada, somnambulists found guilty are sent to bed; elsewhere they end up in psychiatric wards.
NOW Magazine |
Alan Young |
04-14-2006 |
Crime & Justice