AAN News
Charles Gerencser Leaves Southland Publishing for the Obama Campaignnew
The executive publisher of Southland's Los Angeles CityBeat and executive vice president of sales for the chain's other AAN papers announced yesterday that he's leaving on Oct. 17 to join the Barack Obama campaign as a fundraiser and committee leader for California and Nevada. "As a life-long Republican I am seen as a crucial leader in the fight to win votes and raise money for the Senator amongst undecided Republicans and Independents, particularly in the States of Nevada and Colorado which are key Western battleground states," he wrote in an email to colleagues. Gerencser was also a member of the AAN Marketing Committee. As for life after the campaign, he notes that he's applied to two doctoral programs for admission as early as Spring 2009.
LA Observed |
10-09-2008 11:15 am |
Industry News
SLAMM Reincarnating as San Diego CityBeat

The ink is barely dry on the sale
of SLAMM, a San Diego music biweekly,
but the new owners have set Aug. 21 as
the launch date for a new redesigned
alternative newspaper, San Diego
CityBeat. The new weekly will target
the 21- to 45-year-old crowd and San
Diego's central university and historic
neighborhoods, Publisher Charles
Gerencser says. "I wouldn't have
moved my pregnant wife and sold my
house in Los Angeles, where I've lived my
whole life, if I didn't think this was going to
be an amazingly successful
venture," Gerencser says.
AAN Staff |
07-23-2002 4:41 pm |
Industry News
San Diego CityBeat Set to Launch August 21
07-23-2002 12:49 pm |
Press Releases
Gerencser Going to Pasadena Weeklynew
Charles Gerencser, former publisher of New Times Los Angeles, has been named publisher of Pasadena Weekly, one of the seven papers that were admitted to AAN last month. Gerencser comes to the alt pub from NuSign Industries and will help lead Ventura Newspaper Inc.'s efforts in the Los Angeles suburbs, says Group Publisher David Comden.
Pasadena Weekly News Release |
08-27-2001 8:47 am |
Industry News