AAN News

New Mexico AG Says Governor Wrongly Denied Public Records Request by Santa Fe Reporternew

The letter says the governor's office may be liable for "up to $100 per day" since August.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  02-08-2013  6:09 pm  |  Legal News

Boise Weekly Names Zach Hagadone as Editornew

Hagadone replaces longtime editor Rachael Daigle, who departed in October.
Boise Weekly  |  02-07-2013  5:00 pm  |  Industry News

SF Weekly Loses Super Bowl Bet With Baltimore City Papernew

SF Weekly managing editor Brandon Reynolds makes good on bet by penning "An Ode to Baltimore" and posing in Ravens gear.
Baltimore City Paper  |  02-06-2013  4:00 pm  |  Industry News

Legal Corner: Restoring FOIA Access to Federal Mugshots

Why AAN joined 36 other organizations in asking Attorney General Eric Holder to overrule the U.S. Marshals' Service and restore full FOIA access to federal mugshots. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-05-2013  12:30 pm  |  Legal News

Three AAN Members Raise $3.7 Million for Local Non-Profits

The 2012 year-end "Give!" campaigns by Colorado Springs Independent, Monterey County Weekly, and Willamette Week raised a combined $3.7 million for local non-profits. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-04-2013  3:40 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

Former Alt-Weekly Writer Brews Unemployed Reporter Porternew

The brew by former Hartford Advocate writer Jon Campbell is billed as "the first beer brewed by print journalists, for print journalists."
ct.com  |  02-04-2013  12:00 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

City of Greensboro Attempts to Stop Distribution of YES! Weeklynew

The City of Greensboro attempted — and failed — to obtain a temporary restraining order against YES! Weekly to stop the distribution of information it says was accidentally given to the paper in public-information requests.
YES! Weekly  |  02-01-2013  4:57 pm  |  Industry News

The Media Oxpecker: The Long Transition From Print to Digital

Predicting the cross-over point from print to digital; the paywall trade-off facing publishers; and how journalists can use Twitter's Vine as a "killer news tool." (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  02-01-2013  1:00 pm  |  Media Roundup

AAN Signs On to Letter Asking DOJ to Reverse Policy on Federal Mug Shots

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, joined by AAN and 36 other media organizations, has written to U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., asking that a recently enacted Marshals Service policy to block the release of federal criminal booking photographs be rescinded. (FULL STORY)
rcfp.org  |  01-31-2013  3:00 pm  |  Association News

#AANDigital: Alternative Newsmedia Uniquely Positioned to Leverage Community Trust Into Digital Revenue

At the AAN Digital Conference in San Francisco, one message was loud and clear: With a strong and distinct voice that daily newspapers can't replicate, and years' worth of hard-earned community trust that the fly-by-night "hyperlocal" networks can't buy, the local alt-weekly has major advantages over its competitors in the battle for digital dollars. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  01-29-2013  5:00 pm  |  Conference News

#AANDigital: Alt Media Mine New Revenue Alternativesnew

Local business directories, online stores, social media management and other digital marketing services for SMBs are among the monetization strategies underway in the alt-weekly industry, which gathered last week in San Francisco for the AAN Digital Conference.
NetNewsCheck  |  01-29-2013  11:46 am  |  Industry News

Texas Observer Hires New Managing Editor

The Texas Observer has re-hired alt-weekly veteran Brad Tyer as managing editor. (FULL STORY)
Texas Observer  |  01-29-2013  4:00 pm  |  Press Releases

#AANDigital: "Print isn't dead. It's changing, and we're changing with it."

Winter storms were no match for the first day of the AAN Digital Conference, which defied closures and delays at airports across the country. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  01-25-2013  12:00 am  |  Conference News

#AANDigital Conference Hits San Francisco

The 2013 AAN Digital Conference kicks off Thursday in San Francisco, bringing together alt-weekly managers and staffers from across the continent to meet with innovative digital entrepreneurs and other creative minds from Silicon Valley and beyond. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  01-23-2013  9:00 pm  |  Conference News

‘Smart is the New Alternative’new

"There's still a place for a really smart alternative voice on politics, media and the arts," says Dan Kennedy, assistant professor of journalism at Northeastern University and former Boston Phoenix media columnist.
NetNewsCheck  |  01-22-2013  3:12 pm  |  Industry News
