AAN News
The Media Oxpecker: Pew Digital Advertising Report 'Unsurprising but Damning'

What can we learn from the Pew Research Center's report on Digital Advertising and News? A Women's Media Center report reminds us that media is overwhelmingly male, and getting maler. And get ready for the Tablet Generation.
02-17-2012 3:33 pm |
Media Roundup
Alternative Press Can’t Think So Traditionally When It Comes to Advertisingnew

Don't just sell your inventory. Figure out how to leverage your (loved, valued) brand and create some larger value.
Digitaria |
02-13-2012 1:03 pm |
Industry News
Video Series Turns Moneymaker For Seven Daysnew

Burlington, Vt.-based Seven Days built a decent online following on the strength of its quirky, personality-driven video series "Stuck in Vermont," and has turned the site into a money maker primarily from display ads and classifieds.
NetNewsCheck |
02-13-2012 10:49 am |
Industry News
The Media Oxpecker: Return of the Buyouts
Washington Post employees face another round of buyouts. Gannett employees over the age of 56 are encouraged to retire early. And a pioneering citizen journalism site closes up shop.
02-10-2012 1:38 pm |
Media Roundup
Stefan Klocek on Understanding the Tablet Opportunity for Alt-Medianew
Video of Stefan Klocek's session, "The Revolution will be Portable: Understanding the Tablet Opportunity," from AAN's Web Conference in San Francisco.
Cooper |
02-09-2012 1:34 pm |
Industry News
Tags: Electronic Publishing
The Media Oxpecker: Mo Subscribers, Mo Problems

Does Facebook have a spam-subscriber problem? Is there a glass ceiling for social media professionals in the newsroom? And science tells us how to not suck at Twitter.
02-03-2012 4:45 pm |
Media Roundup
Agile Alt Media Adapting to Digital Challengesnew

Like all media entities, alternative newsweeklies have taken their hits over the past few years but now they are taking advantage of their flexibility and experimenting with social media, video and blogs in an effort to catch up in the digital world, and in some markets, challenge the local daily for dominance.
NetNewsCheck |
02-01-2012 7:00 am |
Industry News
Tags: Electronic Publishing
Alt-Weeklies Mine Roots To Drive Web Revenuenew
According to Tim Keck, publisher of Seattle's The Stranger and Portland, Ore.'s Mercury, alt-weeklies can draw on their iconoclastic voice, strong local entertainment coverage and close relationships with local businesses, to take the online lead in their communities and build their online revenue.
NetNewsCheck |
02-01-2012 7:00 am |
Industry News
#AANWeb: The Final Countdown

On the third and final day of #AANWeb 2012: Innovative Revenue Ideas; Digital Storytelling Workshop; Killer Video With Your Mobile Device; and more.
01-28-2012 8:07 am |
Conference News
Tags: Electronic Publishing, Marketing
#AANWeb Day 2

Everybody's a media company these days, so news publishers should exploit their edge competencies, said #AANWeb keynote speaker Terry Heaton yesterday. But what's next for news, and how do we build for it? A battle plan awaits.
01-27-2012 8:20 am |
Conference News
AAN Occupies SF

The 2012 #AANWeb Conference kicks off today in San Francisco.
01-26-2012 9:49 am |
Conference News
Tags: Electronic Publishing
The Media Oxpecker: With Social Media, Timing is Everything

When is the best time to Tweet? How far apart should Facebook posts be spaced? And is it time to start a 'Daily Deal Death Watch' website?
01-20-2012 1:54 pm |
Media Roundup
The Media Oxpecker: Should Newspapers Stop Innovating?

The end of album reviews in SPIN magazine; Facebook's timeline format as an opportunity to reach out to readers; and are newspapers innovating too quickly?
01-13-2012 1:03 pm |
Media Roundup
The End is Near ... for the Early Registration Discount to #AANWeb

You've stalled. You've dithered. And now the time is here. But all is not lost, you still have time to register before the rate goes up by $100 per person.
01-12-2012 11:46 am |
Conference News
Tags: Electronic Publishing, Marketing
New Speakers, Sessions Added to AAN Web Conference Schedule

Heading to the AAN Web Conference in San Francisco? Check out the updated schedule of speakers and sessions here.
And don't forget, the AAN member rate of $99 per person ends this Friday, January 13, going up to $199 per person after that. (FULL STORY)
And don't forget, the AAN member rate of $99 per person ends this Friday, January 13, going up to $199 per person after that. (FULL STORY)
01-10-2012 12:03 pm |
Conference News